Is Knowledge Society a Scam? Tai Lopez [Full Review]

Welcome to our Knowledge Society Review!

If you check out the hype, Knowledge Society shows you practical skills to help start or grow your career, and help develop multiple streams of income…  But is that all true? or Is Knowledge Society a Scam?

To put your mind at ease, Knowledge Society isn’t a scam.  It’s a legitimate training platform, but our in-depth review will help you get all the answers you need to know about Knowledge Society and what it’ll offer you.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Knowledge Society or Tai Lopez in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal why this entrepreneurial training program is definitely worth a few minutes of your time to look into…

Knowledge Society Review Summary

Product Name: Knowledge Society

Founder: Tai Lopez

Product Type: Entrepreneurial Education Platform

Price: $9.99 per month or $19.99 for 3 months

Best For: Anyone who is passionate about starting their own business, but isn’t sure where to get started



  • Affordable Subscription
  • Accessible & Easily Available
  • Lecturers are well established & successful
  • No promises of Get-Rich-Quick


  • There are Better Educational Platforms Out There

Summary: Knowledge Society is an entrepreneurial education program, by Tai Lopez.  It is designed to help people build a solid foundation towards becoming an entrepreneur themselves.  Each individual course is handled by instructors who’re already recognised and successful in their own field, which brings some quality training and content. The platform is also really affordable and accessible, so there’s absolutely no excuse for you to not to give this a go, or at least take a look at their website.

Rating: 90/100

Recommended? Yes

Table of Contents

What is Knowledge Society?

Knowledge Society is a entrepreneurial training platform that was designed by popular Internet Marketer, Tai Lopez.  Through this platform, he teaches people about the “four pillars” of online education.  According to his website, these are health, wealth, love, and happiness.

Their platform also uses the headline that the average millionaire has 7 different sources of income, and that the goal of his website is to teach you how to build several streams of income, being taught by people who have already achieved it.


The main focus of the website is wealth creation, but naturally there are other topics being added continually.

But under the wealth pillar, you’ll find topics that discuss social media marketing, copy writing, real estate, and even how to start a food truck business.

The great thing about Tai’s Knowledge Society, is that the training programs are handled by people who know their stuff.  You’ll be taught by people who know what they are doing and how to do it, as they have already achieved it.

Who's Tai Lopez?

Tai Lopez is a super successful entrepreneur, investor, and author.  According to his bio, he is also an advisor to over 20 multi-million-dollar businesses.  Most people know Lopez from his YouTube videos…


He has published a lot of videos on YouTube over the years.  Many of them are where he is on his private jet, or with a luxury car…  

I’ve got to admit, my initial impressions made me a little sceptical about him, as this type of hype is usually used by scammers trying to convince you to buy a “miracle product”.

But I was clearly wrong.

Tai provides a lot of great content within these videos, and definitely knows his stuff.  He has a proven success track record.  He also sells legitimate educational products that match his skillset, such as his social media marketing training.

Tai is very well connected to other successful entrepreneurs, and industry experts.    His YouTube channel alone is definitely worth a visit, here’s the link

Inside Knowledge Society

Within Knowledge Society, you’ll find a series of pre-recorded videos on a wide range of topics.  You can watch these videos at your own pace.

Tai Lopez had a visions of building a Netflix-type platform for training.  But it is also very similar to Udemy, where you gain access to different courses from different industries.

One thing that the team does emphasis is that the platform is not designed to replace a college education


I do like the fact that they are not trying to encourage students to drop out of college.  They want them to think of this as a supplement to their education…

Here’s some of the topics that you’ll find covered in the video training:

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Copy Writing
  • Personal Training
  • Real Estate
  • Sell T-Shirts on Facebook
  • Start a Hair Salon
  • Selling Digital Products as an Affiliate
  • Make More Money with Uber
  • Book Publishing
  • Start an Autobody shop
  • Start a Food Truck Business
  • Running a profitable Airbnb business
  • Start a mobile car wash business
  • Teaching Languages Online
  • Make Money Gaming
  • Create a Money-Making App
  • Start an Electronics Repair Business
  • Start an IT support Business

It’s quite a wide range of topics, making it very diverse and not easy to know where to start.

You’ll find that not all of the topics are covered by Tai himself.  These are all handled by people who (apparently) have knowledge and a track record in that industry.

The website is continually updated, which is a good thing as it means that the content will be added and updated as things change.  We all know how quickly things can be out-of-date online…

To give you a clearer idea of what the platform is about and what’s inside, check out the video below.  He gives you a good insight of inside Knowledge Society…

What Are the Available Course?

It would take too long to list everything that is available within Knowledge Society.  I couldn’t see a complete list either, as we would need to pay for a subscription.  But we are able to create our own list, based on our research.

In this case, I am going to go over the different courses that are under the Wealth Pillar:

  1. How Justin Cener Makes $500,000 a Month Selling T-Shirts Online
  2. How Dan Fleysman Sold $80 Million Of Products On Instagram
  3. How Joe Started a Socia Media Marketing Agency Making $250,000 a Month
  4. How Pablo Builds Instagram Accounts and Sell Them For $10,000 to $200,000
  5. How Raymond Duke Gets Paid 6 Figures a Year Writing Ads (From the title I guess this is a copywriting course)
  6. How David Cosciusco Makes $20,000 a Month Buying and Selling Phones on eBay
  7. See How Presto Started His Personal Training Business Making $10,000+ a month
  8. Learn How Dre Built A Hair Salon Making $20,000 a Month
  9. How David J Woodbury Makes $20,000 a Month Using Free Traffic From YouTube To Sell Other Peoples Products Knowledge Society – The program

The courses take about 45 minutes for you to watch, and contain lots of information on how these businesses work.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does Knowledge Society Cost?

There are varying reports about the price of Knowledge Society, we’re going to write what we know, but that could change.  So, always check it out fully before signing up…

There are two ways for you to subscribe to this program…

  1. You can pay $9.99 per moth
  2. You can pay $19.99 for a 3-month subscription

Either membership will grant you full access to the available courses.

There is also a 3-day trial period, which allows you to check out the entire program without having to commit anything upfront.

However, they’ll need you to provide your credit card information for the trial period.  Be mindful, if you don’t cancel within the 3 days, your credit card will get charged the monthly fee.

The Upsells

You won’t see these advertised on their website, and they only show once you have signed up with the platform.  But Knowledge Society does have 2 upsells…

The First Upsell – $95


The Second Upsell – $297


They are optional, and unlike others we’ve seen it is easy to bypass them if you so wish too.  But they are expensive, and so we would say pass…

Is Knowledge Society Worth It?

There is a lot of value to be had for a relatively low monthly fee.  In our opinion, the people who would benefit most from Knowledge Society are those that are really unsure about what they want to do.

That way, you could check out the different ways they discuss, and see if one fits for you.  Then you can go and find out a lot more about that topic, although you would need to go elsewhere to get the information you need to do this…

Can You Make Money with Knowledge Society?

If you were thinking, or perhaps hoping that Knowledge Society is a money making system, then you will be a little disappointed.

The platform is also not a get-rich-quick scheme. None of them actually exist, they are usually scams or really low quality.

Instead, you’ll learn how to develop a strong foundation on how to become a successful entrepreneur, from people who have found succcess doing it.

Tai Lopez’s philosophy revolves aorund hard work, and you’ll find that is a common theme with successful entrepreneurs.  They have worked really hard to get where they are, so don’t think there are any short cuts.

They will help you achieve it, but it will require you to put the time and effort into the actions they teach you to take.

Who's Knowledge Society For?

Tai Lopez Knowledge Society is a great program for almost anyone.

If you are passionate about starting your own business, or at least setting up your streams of income, this would be a good place to start. 

What We Liked About Knowledge Society

Here’s what we liked about Knowledge Society:

#1 Affordable & Accessible

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the price for this platform.  Most entrepreneurial training programs are really expensive, so it was nice to see that you are getting high-quality training for $9.99 a month.

You can also login from any device, as long as you have internet, which makes it really accessible too.

#2 The Lecturers are Established & Successful

You are not only getting great training from Tai Lopez, but you’ll also find that the other people behind the course are well established and successful in their own right.

For example, Dan Fleyshman is the guy who handles the course on selling on Instagram.  He is the youngest founder of a publicly traded company in history.
At 23, he had already sold $15 million dollars worth of clothing in 6 department stores for STARTER Apparel.  He also launched “Who’s Your Daddy” energy drinks into 55,000 retail stores and Victory Poker, which is now one of the top 5 online poker brands in the world.

The guy who handles the e-commerce course is Justin Cener. He’s the founder and CEO of Crowd Seats, which became the first and only flash deals site for sports tickets to ever come from a startup.
Justin specialised in SEO, Facebook advertising, and all aspects of e-commerce.

P.S. This program enabled us to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s Free to get started and costs only $49/month to go full-time!

#3 There’s No Promise of Getting Rich Quickly!

You’ll be surprised to see how many programs out there are making empty promises about helping you become a millionaire in a ridiculously short period of time.

But Tai Lopez has put a clear disclaimer on their website making sure you know that this isn’t case here.

They will provide you a blueprint to follow, but with no guarantee.  No one can give you a guarantee, and when programs do, it only sets you up to fail…

What We Didn't Like About Knowledge Society

Here’s what we didn’t like about Knowledge Society:

#1 There are Better Educational Platforms Out There

Tai Lopez Knowledge Society is a good training platform, but is not the best educational platform you’ll find if you want to become an entrepreneur.

If you are wanting practical programs that will offer a certification or a diploma at the end of it, then you’ll find that this isn’t what you’ll get at Knowledge Society.

Training platforms like Udemy, do have certification programs that are accredited by different governing bodies.  These programs may help you further your career or establish your own foundation for entrepreneurship.

Having said that, you can still benefit from Knowledge Society.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is Knowledge Society a Scam?

Let’s be clear, Knowledge Society is not a scam.  It’s a legitimate entrepreneurial educational platform, that will help you build a foundation towards becoming financially independent.

The program is affordable and accessible, so you will definitely get your money’s worth from the content within the courses.  The courses are all taught through successful lecturers who know their stuff.

We would highly recommend this program to anyone who is looking to build up a strong skill set and foundation for becoming an entrepreneur.

How We Make Money Online

 Affiliate Marketing is our top recommended business model for anyone looking to make money online

The reasons are simple…

  • You can promote anything you want and aren’t restricted to only promote products from one MLM company
  • You don’t have to recruit anyone to make money
  • You never need to sell to your friends and family
  • It’s free to get started

In fact, with affiliate marketing we’ve been able to Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  If you want to learn more, click here.

Thanks for checking out our Knowledge Society Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Sharing is Caring…

Knowledge Society

$9.99/month or $19.99 for 3 months

Overall Rating



  • Affordable
  • Accessible
  • Successful & Established Lecturers
  • No Promises of Get-Rich-Quick


  • There Are Better Alternatives

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