Is BrainBux A Scam? PTC Scam Exposed!

 Welcome to our BrainBux Review!

There have been a lot of negative BrainBux reviews out there, with some even calling it a blatant scam… If you want to know the truth behind this business opportunity, then you have come to the right place.

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with BrainBux in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we’re here to reveal to you what this scheme is all about, and why it’s a complete waste of your time…

BrainBux Review Summary

Product Name: BrainBux

Founder: Not Disclosed

Product Type: Get Paid To (GPT) Click Ads

Price: Free to Join

Best For: No One!


Summary: BrainBux is a PTC or Get Paid To program that pays you for clicking on ads.  But we actually found that they’re not going to be paying you a single cent.  They make you through several hoops, that then delays your payment even longer.  I wouldn’t trust this program in any way!

Rating: 1/100

Recommended? No!

Table of Contents

What is BrainBux?

BrainBux is a PTC or Paid-To-Click website/platform that claims to pay you for clicking on advertisements.

Sites like BrainBux are companies that get hired by businesses who used PPC ads.  These businesses earn money every time their ad gets clicked on.

BrainBux uses the compensation they receive for hiring people to click on these ads, which they get a small percentage of.

Think of it this way, if BrainBux were to get paid $1,000 for clicks on ads, a small portion of that goes to the clickers.  (A very small portion).

There is nothing revealed on their website about who is behind the program, or who the owner is.  A quick WhoIs query just tells you that the site started out in 2016, and went from there.

Inside BrainBux

The first thing to tell you is that you cannot earn a full-time income from BrainBux, or any other PTC site for that matter.  It’s just not feasible no matter how much time and effort you put into this.

You’re only able to earn cents, and these companies have designed several ways for you to not earn your payout amount in minutes.

BrainBux offers you two ways to make money from their platform, one from the obvious PTC, and the other method is through their referral system.

It can sometimes take weeks just to earn a single dollar with some platforms, regardless of how consistent you might be.  That is just the way the industry works.

Paid To Click (PTC)

This method allows you to earn money by clicking on ads or advertisements.  BrainBux has three different kind of ads available to the free membership: Micro Ads, Standard Ads, and Unclassified Ads.

  • Micro Ads – Earn you $0.05 for each view
  • Standard Ads – Earn you $0.10 for each view
  • Unclassified Ads – This varies depending on the length of the ad. The longer the ad, the more you can earn

Once you have watched the ads, the amount is automatically debited to your account balance.

Direct Referrals

The other way for you to earn money is by referring or introducing people into the BrainBux program.  You get a percentage commission for every ad your referrals earn.

Once you’re in the program, you are given a referral link to share with other people if you want to be credited when they sign up.

Recruiting is also a part of the game, as it gives you access to other benefits in the program, such as the ability to actually cash out your earnings.

You earn a 10% commission off of your referrals’ earnings, and if you think that’s a lot, think again… 10% of a few cents is not exactly a great amount.

Getting Started with BrainBux

BrainBux is free to join, and you will get your referral link as soon as you complete your sign up.  Ads are then available from your members area of the platform.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Can You Earn with BrainBux?

On average, you will earn $0.11 for every click and about $0.011 for every click your referral makes.

BrainBux claims that they provide instant cashouts whenever you request payment, but that is not the truth, which we will reveal shortly…

What We Liked About BrainBux

Due to the nature of the platform, and the fact it is extremely difficult for you to actually access your earnings, we cannot really find anything we liked about this program…

What We Didn't Like About BrainBux

Here’s what we didn’t like about BrainBux:

#1 Lies About Payout

The first thing you see as you register with the program, is the hype of being able to cash out, the moment you earn the money.  BrainBux makes you believe that there is no minimum cashout threshold, and you might be tempted to cash out at anytime, just to check that it really works…


But that is not exactly the case… This is actually where the lies start to kick in.

When you request for a payout, then you’ll be told that you’ll need to make 100 clicks before you actually qualify for a payout…


The majority of people would probably quit right then and there, as that would be extremely time-consuming.  But let’s just assume that you did reach the 100 clicks…

But then, you get told that you are now required to have 10 direct referrals before you can actually cash out your earnings:


That’s the problem, they are constantly using deception.  Nowhere did they mention these conditions in the first place.  

But, the worst part is that if you did actually get to the point where you have got your 100 clicks and your ten referrals.  Surely, you will gain access to your earnings?

But, then you get hit with this message:

They then tell you that there are technical issues with their payout system, so “payments are disabled”.

This message doesn’t change and there is many online reviews saying the same thing.

#2 Premium Upgrade

BrainBux then tries to convince you into paying for a premium membership, by telling you that cashout payments are easier and quicker.

But you’re going to need to pay $10 a month to sign up to this premium membership.  But this will still not change the fact that you cannot actually receive your earnings, so paying more to not get anything is even worse…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is BrainBux A Scam?

BrainBux doesn’t exactly make it that difficult to spot the signs that its actually a scam.

The main point from what we found was the fact that they make you jump through several hoops, only to find that you cannot actually access your earnings.

They then try and convince you that paying for a premium membership will actually allow you to access your earnings, but that isn’t really the case either.

Basically, what you are doing is watching these ads and they are reaping the benefits.

If they got plenty of people watching these ads for them, then they will earn more income.  But you will not see anything of it…

How We Make Money Online

Even if BrainBux was a legitimate PTC site, you would still not be earning a full-time income… That is why our top recommended business model is Affiliate Marketing.

Thanks to the training from our #1 Recommended Training Program, we’ve Created a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  If you want to learn more, click here

Thanks for checking out our BrainBux Review.  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉


Free to Join

Overall Rating



  • Nothing


  • Scam
  • Lies About Payout
  • Premium Upgrade (Won't Help(
  • Unknown Owner

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