EZ SalaryZ Review – Is Profits In 60 Seconds The Reality?!

Welcome to our EZ SalaryZ Review!

Have you seen an ad for an overhyped program that claims to help you kick your job to the curb, and claims that you are just one click away from generating sales every month, without working every day…?

It sounds like the dream opportunity, right?

They are talking about affiliate marketing, which is a completely legitimate way to make money online.  But we’re not here to review affiliate marketing, we’re here to reveal to you what this program has to offer and whether it’s as easy as they make out…

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before you buy into any “seemingly good” product.

That’s the way to avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with EZ SalaryZ in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we’re here to reveal why this program only provides part of the work that is required.  They leave the hardest part of the process down to you to do…

EZ SalaryZ Review Summary

Product Name: EZ SalaryZ

Founder: Mosh Bari & Jason Fulton

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing

Price: $22 + Upsells

Best For: The Owners


Summary: Despite the hyped up claims in the sales page, EZ SalaryZ is a Done-For-You Affiliate Site Builder.  But like so many  low quality programs out there, they don’t provide much support or training to help you get the most important ingredient to this new site, and that is Traffic.  Without effective methods to get traffic to your site, it becomes practically useless.

You’ll not be earning money in 60 seconds like they claim, and this is just a funnel into getting you to buy the upsells to make them more money.  Definitely not recommended…

Rating: 20/100

Recommended? No!

Table of Contents

What is EZ SalaryZ?

EZ Salary Z is like so many MMO programs out there, all claiming to do 99% of the work for you, but they don’t actually provide you any details on their sales page.  This is for a very good reason, if they were completely honest, you wouldn’t buy the program.

In essence, EZ Salary Z is an affiliate marketing site builder.  They claim it does 99% of the work for you, and you’ll have the ability to make money in just 60 seconds…

But what they don’t tell you is that they have left you the hardest part of any online marketing method to do…

The guys behind this program are called Mosh Bari & Jason Fulton.  Both could be described as serial product creators, as they keep launching very similar products that are aimed at complete newbies who lack the knowledge to know how this all works.

This makes Mosh & Jason richer, whilst these newbies end up losing their money on a promise they never deliver on.

Ultimately, what EZ Salary Z really is, is a Sales Funnel…

EZ SalaryZ is a Sales Funnel

Simply put, this system will not work in the way they tell you, and the front end product is simply a “lead magnet” to get you into their sales funnel.

The bring you in on the promise of a system that will earn you a salary in just 60 seconds with a low cost product ($22).

If the software was as good as they claimed it is, why is it such a low price.

Well, this is a technique use to bring you in using clickbait.  Once you’re in and have bought the low front-end product, you’ll then go through a series of upsells that are included in their sales funnel.

They do this very cleverly, by saying that you can either speed up the process or make a whole lot of money if you buy these additional products.

The prices are much higher for these upsells, but they are also promising higher earnings as part of the bargain.

But what it really tells you, is that the front-end product you just bought is practically useless and you need to buy these other products to have a chance.  But often, these upsells don’t actually deliver either.

Anything that looks to good to be true, and doesn’t give you a lot of information is usually the start of a sales funnel.

You just need to do your research as to whether that is a good sales funnel, or one that leads to a sales pitch that could cost you hundreds, or even thousands of dollars…

This is a techniques that is used for both scams, and low quality products.

Legit products that work as expected, will offer a funnel but will usually be fully transparent.  That’s the key difference.

How Does EZ SalaryZ Work?

EZ SalaryZ is a software that is based on affiliate marketing.

The software creates cloud-based websites that enable you to “make money in 60 seconds”


You use the software to create a website and then generate content on that website, using PLR products and videos to your site.  They also give you the ability to share your site on social media.

To monetise your website, you’ll need an affiliate link.  According to them, this all takes 60 seconds (I’m not convinced).

The whole premise or idea is based on a legitimate business model, called Affiliate Marketing.  We use it ourselves and it’s a great way to get started.  But, there are problems with how EZ SalaryZ is trying to convince you it works, let’s go through those now…

EZ SalaryZ Won’t Work Without Traffic!!

I firmly believe that you will be provide with a website that has some ready-made content on there with this program.  It’ll typically not take you long to create that neither.

But that isn’t the point or the problem.

The problem with this program is that they don’t teach you how to attract traffic or visitors to your website.

The only thing they teach you is how to share your new website on social media.  Let me tell you now, that is not enough to make you money.

To make money online, you’ll need a huge amount of internet traffic, which is something this program will not help you with.

Think about your current friends list of social media, are they the right target audience for your new offer?  I can tell you that just sharing this stuff within your current circle can really harm your friendships doing that.

Traffic generation, or rather the right traffic generation is a really important step.  Without it, there is little point having a website.

And EZ SalaryZ don’t offer you any effective help with that.  Don’t believe the hype around their upsells that offer traffic, it isn’t the best method either.

That is all part of the funnel.  The front end (basic) product offers you very little, but you can get 10X the traffic if you spent more money on their upsell.

This is all just hype, and not there to help you.

Speaking of price, let’s go through the cost aspect now…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does EZ SalaryZ Cost?

During our research of this product, it is retailing at $22 one-time fee.  It is being offered from the WarriorPlus marketplace.  It is ironically, where you’d find most of Mosh/Jason’s products.

They will tend to increase the front-end product over time to give you a sense you need to buy now to take advantage of this extraordinary product…

But the front end product is not the end of the costs, there are five upsells that you’ll be presented along the sales funnel:


The basic package is very limited, it only offers you the ability to build a couple of sites, and to unlock the “potential”, you’re going to need to buy the upsells.

Here are details of the five upsells:

  • Unlimited Profitz Edition – $97: Unlock the full features of the product
  • DFY Sites – $297: The software create pretty much basic empty sites.  They are worthless unless you know what to do with them.  Enter this upsell which gives you 20 DFY websites
  • Super Traffic Generation – $67: Get Access to their Traffic Generation System
  • 100x Conversion Booster – $77: Tools to help turn visitors into customers
  • Licence Rights – $167: Gives you the ability to resell EZ SalaryZ for commission.

P.S. This program helped us Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s FREE to get started and only $49/month to go full-time!

What We Liked About EZ SalaryZ

Here is what we liked about EZ SalaryZ:

After closer inspection of EZ SalaryZ, we are confident that this system will not work as they are claiming it will.  They are being really misleading, and could be considered a scam.  Having said that, there is one good thing we could find:

#1 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

The only good thing, although there is a BUT… Is that they offer a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

The system is based on legitimate methods, but this program is far from being legit!

But if you don’t get the results with this system, you can get your money back…


Bari & Fulton don’t offer a “no questions asked” refund policy.  This means they will expect proof that you followed their methods within the system before they actually agree to a refund.

What We Didn't Like About EZ SalaryZ

Here is what we didn’t like about EZ SalaryZ:

#1 OverHyped & Unrealistic Claims

Their sales page is so full of hype it’s laughable.  They claim you can quit your job, earn a salary in just 60 seconds, and it’ll only take you 3 steps:


It’s programs like this that give people an unrealistic view of what it takes to make money online.  It’s not as simple as just clicking a few buttons.

#2 No Training on Traffic Generation

We called it out earlier, but they don’t provide you any training on how to get traffic to your new site.  Social media is not as good as it might seem.  You need people ready to buy coming to your offer.  Social Media, you are hoping to draw attention and then hope they are interested.

But the reason they don’t offer training is because the SEO route is closed off, especially if you’re using their DFY sites or just PLR content.

Let me explain…

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimisation.  This is about getting your website into the search engines and to the top of Google.  Google, followed by YouTube is the biggest search engine in the world.  To get a lot of traffic, you need your content to get to page one of Google.  But the search engines aren’t interested in duplicate content. 

This will make it extremely difficult to get your new website in the search engines, as they are providing you with duplicate content.

Meaning the only routes left to you are; social media or paid advertising…

#3 Cloud-Based Hosting

Another issue with programs like EZ SalaryZ is the cloud-based hosting.  This means that you’re not actually the owner of your new site, and if Mosh or Fulton decided to close the software down (very typical with these sorts of program), means you lose your site.

It’s important, when starting an online business you build your site on reliable third-party hosting, such as BlueHost, or Wealthy Affiliate.  The second option offers hosting, as well as high-quality affiliate marketing training, tools and support.

It’s our top recommendation for getting started online…

#4 Front-End Product Is Very Basic & Requires Upsells

This just shows how much of a lack of transparency the owners have.  It shows they don’t care if you succeed or not.  But the basic product will not help you in the slightest, and naturally they have five upsells they claim will fix that.

But even with all of their upsells, I still don’t think you would be any better off!

#5 The Other Reviews!!

You might have noticed our review seems to be a little different to many of the others you have found online.  There is a very simple reason.  We don’t promote products that we wouldn’t use ourselves.  Many of these review sites are offering you tons of bonuses if you buy EZ SalaryZ, they also don’t provide a lot of detail about how the system works.

This is because they earn a commission if you buy through their link, and they don’t care if you succeed or not.

I’m sorry to say that not everyone out there is ready to help you…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is EZ SalaryZ a Scam?

You have to be very careful calling something a scam. 

Do you get provided something for your money?  Yes.  Do, they mislead you? Most Definitely

The owners have definitely done a good job of making it looking like a typical scam.  But I just think it is a really low-quality product aimed at making the owners a little more money.

You will be given a website for you money, the problems tend to arise from there like we have mentioned in this review.  There are definitely enough red flags for use to recommend you don’t invest your money into it.  Despite what some of the other review sites say.

How We Make Money Online

Before I let you go, I want to just share with you how we got started with affiliate marketing and how with the right training, it can become a reality.

There will always be programs that claim you can make money quickly, but the honest platforms will always tell you that there is no magic-button system out there that can miraculously earn you money without any work or time.

If you want to read about a legitimate training course that has helped thousands of members make money online using affiliate marketing, then you need to read our Wealthy Affiliate review.  We’ve been using the platform for a number of years now and have yet to find one that comes close to the support you need to get started.

If you’re looking for a proven system, then see what they have to offer with a free starter membership (no credit card required).

Thanks for checking out our EZ SalaryZ Review.  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

EZ SalaryZ

$22 + Upsells

Overall Rating



  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee


  • Overhyped & Unrealistic Claims
  • No Training on Traffic Generation
  • Cloud-Based Hosting
  • Front End Product Is Very Basic & Requires Upsells
  • The Other Reviews!!

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