Dan Brock Stay Home Commissions Review – ClickBank Success or Waste of Money?

Welcome to our Stay Home Commissions Review!

Dan Brock is a well-known Affiliate Marketer.  He is commonly referred to as Deadbeat Super Affiliate and has a huge following on his YouTube channel.  He has recently launched a new course, which he calls the Stay Home Commissions course, and that is what we will be reviewing today.

As the name suggests, it is an online course that can help you setup your own affiliate marketing income stream using ClickBank.

First off, it is great to see that you are doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we are not associated with Stay Home Commissions in any form.  We are not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to give you an insight into what this course has to offer, and whether it is worth the really high price tag…

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

Stay Home Commissions Review Summary

Product Name: Stay Home Commissions

Founder: Dan Brock

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course

Price: $995 or 3 payments of $395

Best For: Someone looking to get started with ClickBank

Dan Brock Stay Home Commissions Review - Product Image

Summary: Stay Home Commissions is a Training Course aimed at someone wanting to launch an affiliate marketing business promoting ClickBank products.  This course is specifically intended to help students profit from a ClickBank affiliate program is just 30 days.  ClickBank products do have a good commission rate, but they also have a huge number of low quality products on there too.  

There is also the fact that we feel this course is overpriced for what it is, and there are much better affiliate marketing training courses out there that cost a lot less…

Rating: 60/100

Recommended? Not Really

Table of Contents

What is Stay Home Commissions?

Stay Home Commissions is a training course designed by Dan Brock.  It aims to teach a beginner how to build a profitable affiliate business promoting ClickBank products, and profit within 30 days.

It is actually a training series, spread over 6 weeks.  With each week being spent on a specific topic.

If you are new to affiliate marketing, you might be unsure on a couple of points.  So, let’s clear those up first.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is where you promote other people’s products and earn a commission in the process.   It is like a refer a friend scheme.  If you can introduce a buyer to a product that is being sold by someone else, then you get a reward for the sale.  If you want to get a good insight into how affiliate marketing really works, click here to see our complete guide.

What is ClickBank?

ClickBank is what you would call an Affiliate Network.  It is a marketplace where you can gain access to thousands of digital products that you can promote as an affiliate.  It acts as a bridge between the sellers of these products, and the affiliates who choose to promote these products.  They also handle all the payment stuff, so both the buyer and the seller get their money on time.

Back to Stay Home Commissions…

The training course aims at helping you grasp affiliate marketing, and how to utilise ClickBank to make you money.

Inside Stay Home Commissions

The training course, you’ll need to sign up to spending six weeks on the actual course.  Here is what they cover off in each week of content:

Week One – Money Markets That Always Win

In the first week of the course, you will be shown products and services that are in-demand right now.  With this, you will be offered “free reign”, which is actually useless, not unless you are selling or promoting courses wherein others can make money.

With this in mind, you will have to be careful in choosing the niche you want to enter.  As, this course focuses on ClickBank, it only really caters a handful of niches.  Also, you’ll get an idea of what the products are that will give you the highest income.

Week Two – Knowing the Keywords to Target

The second week introduces you to Search Engine Optimisation or SEO.  This training teaches you how to know what keywords to target to drive more traffic to your site.

They also go through how to find keywords with low search volume, but are still profitable.  The idea here is that whilst they don’t have a lot of competition, this means you get to a higher chance of having them all to yourself.

If you have previous knowledge of SEO, then this might be a good feature.  But if you are new to this, then you might find it difficult to follow.

Week Three – Building Affiliate Assets

This is where they focus on the different avenues of bringing traffic to your affiliate offers.  This gets a little technical, and could leave some newbies struggling with the concepts.

But basically, what you have to do here is come up with something that will go viral to help transform your short-term gains and turn them into long-term income.  It isn’t easy to make something to go viral, and I’m still not convinced their training will help here either.

Week Four – Building an Email List

The fourth week describes how you can boost your income with an email list.  There is a lot of content on this area within this course.

They will go through how to build and grow your email list, automating your promotional emails, keeping your subscribers engaged, and boosting your commissions through bonuses.

Week Five – Finding Buyers

This module goes through how to create viral content.  Content that drives a lot of traffic to your affiliate offers.

You’ll also learn how to repurpose content too.  For example, you can turn your content into videos, presentations, and graphics.

Week 6 – “Another You”

This is where they teach you on how to achieve passive income.  This includes hiring a Virtual Assistant to help you with certain tasks.

They also talk to you about how you make your content timeless.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does Stay Home Commissions Cost?

To get access to the complete course, it will set you back $995 as a one-time fee.  Or, you can choose to pay in instalments, which is 3 payments of $395 which works out to $1,185.

Whilst there is value within this course, we do feel it is a really high cost point and there are better alternatives to learn affiliate marketing for a much lower cost, for example:

  • Savage Affiliates – $197 or $297 (training only)
  • Wealthy Affiliate – Free to Get Started, $49/month to go full-time (training, tools, and support + an awesome community)

What We Liked About Stay Home Commissions

Here is what we liked about Stay Home Commissions:

#1 Affiliate Marketing is Legit

Affiliate Marketing is a legitimate business model, and can definitely help you earn money from home and is actually how we make money online.  With the right training, it can help someone who is willing to put in the effort to build a profitable income stream.  

#2 Decent Training

The training within the training course is pretty decent, we don’t feel it is necessarily worth the high price tag.  But Dan Brock does know his stuff, and offers insights that could work.

P.S. This program helped us create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It is FREE to get started and only costs $49/month to go full-time!

What We Didn't Like About Stay Home Commissions

Here is what we didn’t like about Stay Home Commissions:

#1 It’s Expensive

There are other courses out there that cost $997, and I’m not convinced this course offers the value.  But as it is aimed at beginners, that is really high amount for someone to find.  The courses that are usually that high are designed to get people started in an e-commerce business, where investing that kind of money is a good thing.  But that is a lot of money, if you are still not convinced this is the right move for you…

#2 Hidden Costs

Then there is the fact that the costs will not stop at just the training.  Unlike other courses like Wealthy Affiliate, where you get tools, a free website and support to start an affiliate marketing business.  All you get with Stay Home Commissions is training.

To actually follow through with the methods that Dan will go through in this course is going to cost you more money on top of that.

An example would be an email autoresponder to carry out the email marketing campaigns.  They will typically promote a funnel software, or a website builder and these will all cost you additional funds.  Which, there is no mention of this on their sales page.

#3 It Only Targets Specific Niches

It is very clear from the marketing and the course that it is only targetting specific niches.  Typically ClickBank products are in the make money online, keeping fit niches, and that means it isn’t ideal for everyone.

If you wanted to create a blog and promote affiliate products in a niche you love, then this course will not be ideal for you.

#4 They Make SEO Sound Easy…

They make it sound really easy to rank your website using SEO.  When the reality is that it is nowhere near as easy as they make it out.  Learning it in just a week is a not going to cut it.  It takes time to rank your website, and the fact they state you will be earning money in 30 days is totally unrealistic.

#5 There are Better Courses Out There…

The bottom line is that there are much better courses out there, without the ridiculously high price tag.  For example, Savage Affiliates is a training course only, but costs $197 or $297 and you get some good training with it.

Or, there is the training platform that we learned how to get started with affiliate marketing in.  They provide training, a website builder, keyword research tool, support and a fantastic community to support you to get where you need to be.  And it is free to get started, and costs only $49/month to go full-time.

Wealthy Affiliate is designed to take a complete beginner from knowing nothing, to building a profitable online business in any niche.  You can turn your hobby or passion into a way of making money online.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Stay Home Commissions Review - Final Conclusion

Stay Home Commissions is being marketed as a way of helping you make money during this pandemic.  The course is pretty decent, but we have a number of concerns that stop us recommending it.

First, the course is pretty expensive and means a lot of people cannot afford it, or put themselves in debt to be able to afford it.  There are other recurring costs that you are going to have to factor in to follow the methods trained in the course.

Secondly, there is the fact that everyone who signs up to this course is only going to learn the same opportunity.  The training is geared at promoting products on ClickBank, which only really favours certain niches.

This means everyone will be trying to target the same products, the same keywords and the same strategies.

They also make it sound extremely easy to rank your website using SEO.  Believe it or not, it is not that easy to get SEO right, especially when you are new to it.  The fact they claim to teach you everything you need to know in just one week, is a little absurd.

How We Make Money Online

Before we go, let me tell you that we think Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways of making money online.  If you can get it right, it can definitely earn you a ton of money and help you achieve financial freedom.  but dropping $995 on a course that doesn’t appear to be the full package is a huge risk.

That is why we recommend Wealthy Affiliate.  They have a proven step-by-step training course that works.  They have a community of like-minded entrepreneurs that you can communicate with and get help with 24/7 within the platform.  

They offer a website platform and keyword research tool within the platform, that you gain access to.

Plus, you get access to the owners who offer their insights at any point.

The best thing is that they are completely free to get started with, and if you did decide to gain full access to the platform, it only costs $49 per month.  If you want to take them for a free test drive and see what they have to offer, click here.

Thanks for checking out our Stay Home Commissions Review.  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Stay Home Commissions


Overall Rating



  • Affiliate Marketing is Legit
  • Decent Training


  • It's Expensive
  • Hidden Costs
  • Only Targets Specific Niches
  • Makes SEO Sound Easy
  • Better Courses Are Out There

2 thoughts on “Dan Brock Stay Home Commissions Review – ClickBank Success or Waste of Money?”

  1. I purchased Deadbeat Stay Home Commissions program (Now renamed Super Affiliate Gold) in May 2020 during the aggressive launch.
    Dan Brock is very good at persuasion. He convinced me to part with 697.00 (the “sale” price).
    Though overpriced, it is a quality course.
    I have one MAJOR gripe (besides the price).
    In his pitch, Dan claims SHC is PERFECT for the absolute beginner.
    Wrong. He omits a huge prerequisite: WORDPRESS.
    This considerable skill set is barely touched upon in the course.
    Previously, I only had a vague notion of what WordPress is.
    I consider this to be a serious deception on Dan’s part.
    To try and give him the benefit of the doubt, Dan is so used to using WordPress it is second nature to him.
    You’re not going to be able to create a website until you understand WordPress.
    Study WordPress before attempting to start an affiliate marketing business.
    Then, prepare to put in much more work than Dan claims ESPECIALLY if you’re a complete beginner.
    It’s not easy, but it is worth pursuing.

    • Hey Kimberley,

      thanks for checking out our review and sharing your experiences… I get where you’re coming from, there is an expectation that everyone knows WordPress, but that isn’t the case. It’s a shame when you drop that amount of money, and then need to go elsewhere to learn the basics. He knows enough about WordPress to include a few modules in the training, to ensure it becomes a course that tailors itself to anyone who joins.

      WordPress is a great tool for people of all abilities, but you only know what you know and if you don’t know how to use it, courses like this are pointless. Unless you are willing to go elsewhere to learn how to build yourself a website.

      Thanks again for sharing your thoughts on this course… I would expect this to be covered for an investment of $697…

      All the best,



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