Traffic Monsoon Review – Proven Ponzi Scheme Exposed!

Welcome to our Traffic Monsoon Review!

Has someone suggested this paid traffic program called Traffic Monsoon, and you’re wondering if it’s legit or not?  Most end up being something other than they really are, like a Ponzi Scheme.

If you are wondering how a paid traffic program can become a Ponzi scheme, then you’ll find a perfect example by looking at Traffic Monsoon, and they’ve been in some serious trouble…

First off, it’s great to see that you’re doing your research before buying into “seemingly good” product.

That’s how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we’re not associated with Traffic Monsoon in any form. We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to show you all about this program and why it was being sued…

Traffic Monsoon Review Summary

Product Name: Traffic Monsoon

Founder: Charles Scoville

Product Type: Paid Traffic Program (Ponzi Scheme)

Price: $50 to $1,000 to purchase AdPacks

Best For: No One!



  • None


  • Owner’s Bad Reputation
  • Low Income Potential
  • Sued For Being a Ponzi Scheme
  • Not Registered

Summary:  Traffic Monsoon is a closed marketing system where members share their online business opportunities with other members.  Apparently, the program sells advertisting services known as AdPacks, from where members can earn a 10% profit back.  It also sells banner ads, credit ads, cash link ads, etc.

But it has been in trouble with the authorities.  It’s been sued by the US government for operating as a Ponzi Scheme and for fraudulent securities.

Traffic Monsoon is a typical scam, a Ponzi scheme.  The founder’s record could also validate that fact!

Rating: 1/100

Recommended? No!

Table of Contents

What is Traffic Monsoon?

Traffic Monsoon is a paid traffic/advertising and revenue sharing program.  It allows you to participate in their income opportunity as an individually or a a group.

Their services provide high quality advertising targeted for people looking for a way to make money online and powered by top level online security, a dedicated support team, and efficient account management. 

Another way to think of Traffic Monsoon is this…

Traffic Monsoon is an online closed marketing system that also allows one to earn money back as they buy Traffic Monsoon’s AdPacks. Purchasing one will unlock a sharing position into a member’s account.  

Once you hit that sharing position, members will start earning money every hour from the revenues that are generated on Traffic Monsoon with 100% commissions…

Traffic Monsoon was created in 2014 by a man called Charles Scoville.

Scoville has a pretty bad reputation for runing several scams, like Infinity Bux, TVIPTC, Powerful Bux, Forever Bux, and Bux Unleashed.

It got away with it’s scam for 2 years, when in 2016 the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) filed a complaint against Traffic Monsoon.

As a result of this, all assetts of Traffic Monsoon and Scoville have been frozen.  You can still access the website (, but as we write this (2021), the Traffic Monsoon operation is still closed, and the official website has been replaced to communicate with the public.

One of the reasons for the complaint, was the business model they were using has been proven to not be legal.  It isn’t registered with any legal authorities to run its business model.

Inside Traffic Monsoon

Traffic Monsoon sends people to your website through various advertising platforms.  The idea is your website generates a lot of traffic from a lot of different sources.

But, of course, there isn’t anything like FREE traffic in this industry.

The best way to think about it is this… Traffic Monsoon lets you pay for traffic or earn money through the following:

#1 Clicking on Ads

You can earn by clicking on other members offers, and then reviewing them for at least 24 seconds. (I don’t really know why 24 seconds)

Each page view pays you one or two cents, which isn’t a lot.  You’ll run through the entire list of websites to view in about 15 minutes per day.

#2 Use Traffic Monsoon’s Traffic Services

Traffic Monsoon uses different services to help you reach your target audience. This is something where you’ll have to pay for the traffic, and it’ll cost you a few bucks. 

This is a relatively small investment, but it’s quite an uncommon source of paid traffic if you ask me. 

#3 Make Money Through Revenue Sharing

Traffic Monsoon claims this is where you are going to be making the big money.  To do this, you need to do two things.

Firstly, you need to purchase their AdPacks, or advertising packs.  Each one of these costs $50 for one position.  This will give you 1,000 targeted visitors to your website, plus 20 clicks on your banner ads.

Secondly, you need to qualify for revenue sharing by clicking on 10 ads, every 24 hours.

When members buy these adpacks, all revenues are shared with members that have active sharing positions.  Which are those that have bought adpacks.

#4 Make Money Through Referrals

This isn’t what you would think or expect.  If someone becomes a member on your website through advertisement or your website, then you earn 10% commisison on every purchase your referral makes.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does Traffic Monsoon Cost?

Technically, it’s free to join Traffic Monsoon.  But to actually be eligible to earn, you’ll need to invest in their AdPacks, which range in price from $5 to $1,000.

You could also earn money from traffic exchange credits, that costs between $5.95 to $229.95.

Who's Traffic Monsoon For?

Honestly, the answer is no one.  Traffic Monsoon has been through a number of legal problems, and has several red flags, which we’ll expose to you know…

What We Liked About Traffic Monsoon

There’s nothing we liked about Traffic Monsoon.  It’s just one big Ponzi scheme and has been caught up in legal troubles for it.

What We Didn't Like About Traffic Monsoon

Here’s what we didn’t like about Traffic Monsoon:

#1 Low Income Potential

Regardless of all the other issues with Traffic Monsoon, it’s still coming with a really low income potential. There isn’t any consistency in how much you’re making as you’re relying on people clicking on your ads and website.

Then, you’re only earning in cents, and up to a dollar or two if you’re going to max out the activities.

#2 Owner’s Bad Reputation

A huge red flag is the owner and founder, Charles Scoville’s bad reputation.

First, he was involved with Infinitibux, which spawned Powerfulbux, ForeverBux, and BuxUnleashed. All of the schemes went bankrupt and stopped paying their members. 

He then created Adhitprofits, this time with a different business model. He didn’t make profit for the first two years so he made another one. This time, it’s Traffic Monsoon. 

#3 Sued for Being a Ponzi Scheme

Traffic Monsoon was sued by the SEC last 2016 for operating as a Ponzi scheme and being involved in the fraudulent sales of securities. Scoville challenged the lawsuit but wasn’t successful. The court had enough evidence to assert their claims against Traffic Monsoon. 

As of this writing, Traffic Monsoon’s assets are frozen, and members have not been paid out yet.

#4 A Scam That Has Already Been Shutdown

The US SEC has already shut down this program as a confirmed scam!  It’s a definite Ponzi scheme, which is completely illegal.  Don’t get deceived by anyone who says otherwise…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Traffic Monsoon Review - Final Conclusion

There is no doubt that Traffic Monsoon is a questionable product, and it’s been found out by the US SEC department.  They are operating as a Ponzi scheme, and soliciting fraudulent securities, which has resulted in them getting into deep trouble.

The owner has been involved in a number of this type of program, and we hope he has learned his lesson and avoids doing it again.

As it stands, this program is in limbo, as people are not getting paid (not even Scoville) due to the court case.

How We Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is a fantastic business model, and it is how we make money online.  But it doesn’t require a training platform that hides costs from you, and lacks transparency, and focuses on the hype.

We recommend Wealthy Affiliate, as they teach you long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all of the tools and support needed, all included.

Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate, we’ve Created a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  it’s Free to Get Started, and only costs $49/month to go full-time!

Thanks for checking out our Traffic Monsoon Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

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4 thoughts on “Traffic Monsoon Review – Proven Ponzi Scheme Exposed!”

  1. Exposing the scams and aiding honest people in their research is paramount today! Down with the scammers looking to take advantage of people who are often already in a desperate financial situation! Great overview and explanation of the “what, why, and how” about Traffic Monsoon. Another example of a paid traffic “funnel” scheme to avoid. 

    • Thanks Dbrae,

      they will always be someone out to get these scams out there, and unfortunately we don’t help when we are constantly looking for quick ways to earn income online.  Education is the key, and that is why we dedicate ourselves to helping others spot these scams and find legitimate programs out there…

      All the best,


  2. Hi John. Thank you for your honest review on Traffic Monsoon. Unfortunately most of these schemes that are meant to send you traffic to your website end up being either some dirt of a scam, or extremely inefficient and likely to damage your Google rankings. This one definitely smells of a Ponzi scheme and I’m grateful to you for pointing it out. I have been an online entrepreneur for a number of years now and I’m yet to discover the magic bullet called ‘paid traffic’, or at least a platform that really works. Fortunately you have supplied a link to an honest way that really does help the individual seeking a profitable online business. Jim

    • Hey Jim,

      thanks for checking out our blog.  When things look too good to be true, they often are.  Traffic Monsoon is another example where it looks good on the surface, but when you dig into the details, you could end up losing a lot more than you bargained for.

      It’s good to see the SEC has found this one, but there are others out there that require that kind of scrutiny.

      All the best,



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