Is Market Hero a Scam? Hero Autoresponder or Hapless Sidekick?

Welcome to our Market Hero Review!

I am guessing that you are currently looking for an autoresponder and are wondering whether Market Hero is really a good option, but probably wondering a little as to why they have Hero in their name?

Are they really the hero of Autoresponders who just a hapless sidekick to the countless competitors out there.

That is what we are aiming to answer in our review.

First off, it is great to see that you are doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

It is the best way to avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online.

To be completely transparent with you, we are not associated with Market Hero in any form.

We are not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to show you what makes this email autoresponder a solid choice and why we would recommend you give them a try.

Is Market Hero a Scam?

Let’s get started so you can find out…

Market Hero Review Summary

Product Name: Market Hero

Founder: Alex Becker

Product Type: Email Autoresponder Software, Email Marketing

Price: $19 to $299 a month, which is dependent on the volume of subscribers

Best For: People looking to develop their profit stream via email marketing or those who want to generate more leads through email.

Market Hero Review

Summary: Market Hero is an email marketing autoresponder program and was developed by SEO expert Alex Becker and the team that launched Workhorse, which is a popular SEO WordPress plugin.  It offers a lot features that range from automation to accurate tracking and social media integration.  

We would definitely recommend this program if you are looking to develop your profit stream via email marketing, or if you want to generate quality and consistent leads.

Rating: 80/100

Recommended? Yes

Table of Contents

What is Market Hero?

Market Hero is an Email Autoresponder and was founded by Alex Becker in May, 2015.

Alex Becker isn’t just a marketer.  He is also a tech entrepreneur, programmer, author, and he is also an SEO expert.

The software, Market Hero is Becker’s first step to creating a revenue-centric autoresponder.  We will go into the specifics and features in the next section.

Market Hero was also developed by the same team that has created Workhorse.  Workhorse is Alex Beckers WordPress SEO plugin.

So, right from the start it shows that Alex Becker is legit and so is his software.

If you want to see how Market Hero works, then you might the video below really helpful:

Inside Market Hero

Market Hero is an email autoresponder software platform that helps you to develop and create leads, monitor your ROI (Return on Investment) and a few other things to help your business.

They have designed the software to help make email marketing easier for you and your business.

Market Hero Dashboard

Similar to other autoresponders out there like MailChimp or ActiveCampaign, the software uses a simple WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor to help you design your emails easier.

The software also has the ability to help you make lead boxes, opt-in boxes, image buttons and a lot more.

You can also make a pop-up opt-in box with this software too.

Let’s go through a few of the features within Market Hero:

#1 Complete Automated Email Optimisation System

The title makes it seem like it is complicated, but what it allows you to control is how you send out your emails based on a number of factors, such as multiple open rates.

Simply put, it shows you the emails that are being opened a lot (and those that aren’t) and it will optimise your new email template based on the successful emails.

The software can also optimise your funnels by allowing you track the value of earn lead in the business.

#2 Beck’s ROI Tracking System

Market Hero’s ROI tracking system ensures that all of your leads are re-cookied each time your customer opens an email from you.  This menas that all the important data and sensitive information are kept secure

With the ROI system, no data is lost and this ensures you have complete privacy and accuracy even when your customer accesses the email via multiple devices.

This system allows you to track each sale and conversion done by each email that you send via the Market Hero system.

Another good feature is that if you are already signed up with an existing autoresponder, you are able to integrate that tracking system into the Market Hero system.

This is accomplished with a single copy and paste of the conversation code.

The ROI tracking system can also let you know who bought your products or who availed of your service relatively easy.  You can then tag these customers through the system and that allows you to work out the total lead value.

Unlike other tools, the ROI tracking system within Market Hero can help you determine the cost of a lead over a period of time.

#3 100% Fully Automated System

The Market Hero platform boasts of a fully automated system that will even create customised ads for you based on personalised requests.  There is also a level of automation that will read and can even reply to all of your clients which is thanks to its efficient tagging system.

You are able to tag segments and reply to customers based on the actions you set or the goods that they have bought.

Here is an example…

If you go and send out an email to your list and five customers sent a reply email enquiring about your product or service, the Market Hero system can tag these five customers and allows you to target them more specifically with your succeeding email campaigns.

#4 Facebook Messenger Automation

There are a number of Facebook Messenger Automation systems (or bots) out there, but Market Hero has one of the best ones available.

Market Hero allows you to capture your audience coming from Facebook through its messenger-based autoresponder.

All you do is integrate your Facebook page in your Market Hero account and it will show you how to build an automated messaging network.

How Much Does Market Hero Cost?

Email Autoresponders tend to have a pricing structure based on the number of subscribers you have, Market Hero is no different.

It starts out at a reasonable $19 if you have less than 1,000 subscribers, which is the same price but more subscribers than Aweber, and the price will increase as you increase the number of subscribers you have.

Here is how the price scales depending on the number of subscribers:

  1. $19/month – Less than 1,000 subscribers
  2. $49/month – Less than 2,500 subscribers
  3. $99/month – Less than 5,000 subscribers
  4. $129/month – Less than 10,000 subscribers
  5. $299/month – Less than 15,000 subscribers

The pricing is reasonable and comparable to many other autoresponders and if you are getting to the point of having more than 5,000 subscribers, your customers should now be buying enough products from your emails to cover the cost of your subscription.

If you are still unsure, you can actually take advantage of Market Hero’s 14-day free trial.  But be mindful, you will be required to put in your credit card details.  So, if you are not happy ensure you leave correctly before your credit card is charged.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Who's Market Hero For?

You Should consider looking into Market Hero if:

1. You want to develop your mailing list so that you can promote your offers to your customers

2. You want an easy introduction into Email Marketing

3. You want a way of expanding your company’s profit stream using Email Marketing

4. You want a more simplistic way of reaching out to your existing customers and clients

5. You want a systematic way to generate more leads

What We Liked About Market Hero

Here is what we like about Market Hero:

#1 It is a Sales-Centric System

It’s sounds complicated, but what it really means is that Market Hero has a feature that will allow you to add product information to it.  This allows you to extract better data on what emails are working and what isn’t working using their tracking system.

For example, you can add the price and the title of a product and give it a tracking code that can be placed on your page, so it also can automatically tag customers and adds this to the automation funnel.

Then this information can be use to understand your earnings per lead and how much your email campaigns are costing you against the costs of running the campaign.

If your earnings are higher than your costs, that is when your campaigns are profitable and you can also use this data to scale up your campaigns whilst still staying profitable.

If the opposite is true, you know which campaigns you need to work on and improve to turn it profitable.

#2 Beginner Friendly User Interface

One of the first things that would stop someone using a platform is if it isn’t easy to use and navigate.  Overcomplicated dashboards and instructions that require a degree to understand is not ideal for anyone. 

That is why we like Market Hero, their User Interface is really easy to use and even for a beginner, it wouldn’t take long for them to get to know where everything is.

So, even if you are not too familar with email marketing and how their dashboard works, Market Hero makes it easy for you to find certain features without having to find them in their menus.

It is a big positive if it is designed for the user.  There is a point where you are going to need to understand complicated graphs and numbers as your campaigns and subscribers numbers increase, but there is little point in Market Hero making the UI hard to use as well.

What We Didn't Like About Market Hero

Here is what we didn’t like about Market Hero:

#1 It Has Limited Automation Options

To be honest, Market Hero’s automations are definitely better than the limited offerings you get from either Aweber or MailChimp.  But their automation systems do fare less than those you get with ActiveCampaign or MailerLite.

Now, their WYSIWYG editor is good and easy to use, but there are some limitations that become obvious when you want to branch out to responses or doing things based on custom fields.

There is also the fact that whilst you can take action on a Link Click, the Market Hero system will not specify which link it was, so if your email has multiple links in your email, you will not know which one worked better or not at all.

This does make their tracking a little bit inferior to others.

Having said that, you can make their system work if you combine it with other platforms such as Evergreen Wealth Formula (which is an affiliate marketing and email marketing course) or Inbox Blueprint (the best email marketing course yet)

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is Market Hero a Scam?

Market Hero is a legitimate company and it is a good legitimate email autoresponder software program.  It was developed by Alex Becker is a genuine and successful marketer himself.  

So, there can be little doubt as to them not being a scam, but a legitimate option.

Due to their simplistic and automated way of generating leads and growing your profit stream with email marketing, we would highly recommend this product to you.

It is good enough and it accurately shows you how much your campaigns are earning or not earning, and which of your emails is working or not working.  This will definitely help you with going in the right direction with your email marketing campaigns.

There is also the point that they are focused on helping you get more sales, which is the aim of every website owner or marketer, and it is something that you would be looking for with an autoresponder.

Despite our recommendation, there are still a few flaws, but it is also relatively new compared to many others on the market.  But this can also work to their advantage as they have time to fix the flaws and ultimately improve their platform as they grow and expand.

I think, we have yet to see their full potential… 

How We Make Money Online

Before you go, if you are still really new to online marketing and are sitting there not quite getting all the information and facts about programs online, you might still be in a position where you are not yet turning a profit with your business or are completely struggling with which direction you want to go with your online business.

If you are still yet to make your first dollar and aren’t sure where to turn, we want to offer our help.  We have found that effective training, getting the right tools and having support behind you is key to getting started online and then scaling your business and turning a profit.

If that feels like where you are at this point, then spending money on an autoresponder is not the right step for you yet.  There is little point paying for one, if you are not getting any traffic to your website or haven’t even got a website yet.

If you want to see how our #1 Recommended Training Program helps us to build a passive income stream, then check out the button below.  We offer our personal help to anyone who joins via our link and you will learn how to build a free traffic stream to your website and that is when you know email marketing is the natural next step.

thanks for checking out our Market Hero review.  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below.  We will get back to you as soon as we can and get you the answer.  all the best 😉

Market Hero

Free 14-Day Trial, $19-$299 a month (depending on subscribers)

Overall Rating



  • It is a Sales-Centric System
  • Beginner Friendly User Interface


  • It Has Limited Automation Options

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