Is Freedom Mentor a Scam? A Road to Financial Freedom or Financial Ruin?

Welcome to our Freedom Mentor Review!

If you are someone who has been looking at investing in real estate may have come across this Freedom Mentor program.

There is money to be made with real estate, if you can do it right but where does Freedom Mentor sit within helping you achieve this? That is what we will explore in this review.

First off, it is great to see that you are doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

It is the best way to avoid scams and find the legitimate way to make money online!

To be completely transparent with you, we are not associated with Freedom Mentor in any way.  We are not here to pitch or selling you anything.

Instead, our review will reveal to you all you need to know about this real estate investment mentoring program.  Is it a scam, is it legit?  Is it worth your time and money?

Let’s get started with a quick product overview…

Freedom Mentor Review Summary

Product Name: Freedom Mentor

Founder: Phil Pustejovsky

Product Type: Real Estate Investment Mentoring Program

Price: $3,000 one-time fee + $197 monthly membership fee

Best For: People who are enthusiastic at getting into real estate investing as a full-time investor, or people that are already involved and want to enhance their skills

freedom mentor review - company logo

Summary: Freedom Mentor is a mentoring program related to real estate investments.  It was created by Phil Pustejovsky.  It is a program designed to help students get into the world of real estate investments, or those who want to improve their current skills and knowledge related to it.  However, there are a few concerns that lead us not to recommend this program to people.  First off, it is really expensive for what it is supposed to be.  There are really mixed reviews which we will show you in our review and the 50/50 profit split doesn’t sound right either…

Rating: 35/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is Freedom Mentor?

Freedom Mentor is a training and mentoring program that was created by real estate investor Phil Pustejovsky.  It claims to be one of the leading real estate investment mentoring programs that can help you succeed in no time.

Phil and the rest of his mentoring team claims that there is no better time to make money in real estate than now, and that the secret to succeeding is having the right mentor.

There is a little confusion online as there is another money-making program online called Your Freedom Mentor. 

But they are not the same program. 

Your Freedom Mentor is an affiliate marketing platform that has been reported to be a scam and is nothing to do with real estate.

Before we delve a little deeper into the program, let’s find out more about their guy behind this program…

Who is Phil Pustejovsky?

freedom mentor - phil pustejovsky

Phil Pustejovsky, these days has an impressive property portfolio, where he has closed $45 million in short sales and that portfolio through lending techniques.  

He has a YouTube channel called Freedom Mentor, where he shares his opinion and advice on investing in real estate.

But it wasn’t always this way.  

When he graduated from Vanderbilt University, he claims that he lived such a part life that his life went downhill very quickly, to a point where he was homeless, and he was living in his truck after his first real estate investment failed.

After that, Phil claims he only managed to succeed and achieve success after meeting his mentor named Tom, who guided him through the process.

Now, he dubs himself the “nation’s premier real estate mentor” by helping other investors get started or taking their business to the next level through his Freedom Mentor programs.

How Does Freedom Mentor Work?

Fundamentally, Freedom Mentor is a mentoring and training program for real estate investors.  It helps their students get the skills they need, but also offer an arrangement where you partner the program’s mentors in closing deals.

This is achieved through the 50/50 split…

The 50/50 Split

This partnership means that Freedom Mentor will share 50/50 of your net profits for each deal you make.  So, the student gets a 50% cut and the company get the other 50%.

This ensure that both parties have a vested interest in any deal or investment:

freedom mentor - 50-50 split

Alongside the 50/50 program, Phil makes a claim that his personal mentoring for his students will help them avoid the usual pitfalls and dangers that are commonly associated with investments in real estate, whilst providing solid advice to boost his students’ confidence really quickly.

Phil also gives out a free digital copy of his best-selling book called How To Be A Real Estate Investor.

This is the book where he claims to have simplified real estate investing in order to make the principles practical and easy to apply.  He also shares some of his knowledge and experience and shows you all of the strategies you will need to succeed.

On the Freedom Mentor website, you will find a list of free real estate training courses.  This includes 25 different articles and videos, starting from the basics and then up to more complex lessons.

There is also Phil’s blog which is regularly updated with short articles on anything to do with real estate and investments.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Getting Started with Freedom Mentor

It is not made clear how much it will cost for their mentoring program.  But with a bit of digging, we found that it will cost you $3,000 for the initial fee and then there is a monthly membership fee which is $197.

But it is important to point out that there is a screening process, prior to you being accepted.  If you are accepted and then pay the fee, you will receive the following:

  1. A personalised investing plan
  2. Instructional, lead-generating software
  3. Access to the lender database
  4. two conference calls per week with other members
  5. Daily instant messaging with Freedom Mentor’s counsellors
  6. three live coaching calls per month with Freedom Mentor’s counsellors

In order for you to apply for the program, you will need to provide them with your full name, email address, and a contact number.  Once you have shared this, you just need to wait for a representative to get in touch with you.

Their website states that Phil is only interested in coaching apprentices who are action-orientated, honest, and committed students.

You can also contact their staff themselves to ask about their pricing information, etc. via this contact number: 877-693-3172.

Who's Freedom Mentor For?

The Freedom Mentor website is very clear that the program is only meant for those really serious about investing in real estate and want to generate a full-time income from this industry.  It is not meant for everyone.

From Phil’s point of view, the applicant will need to meet his standards to be considered for an apprenticeship.  But there is no information about how applicants will be screened. 

It just states that there is a screening process, but what that entails we just don’t know.

From my own perspective, this program is for people who are serious about real estate investing and would benefit from the training and someone who can afford to pay this initial investment and has the ability to finance future real estate deals.

What We Liked About Freedom Mentor

Here is what we liked about Freedom Mentor:

#1 Training & Mentoring

For the right individual, this might be the right course and there is no getting away from the fact that they do offering training and mentoring related to real estate investing.  As to whether the calls that you get are as useful as made out, is something that does get mixed reviews though and there is still the fact that the initial fee is only the start of the earnings.

But if real estate is something you are serious about; their training and method might be for you.

What We Didn't Like About Freedom Mentor

Here is what we didn’t like about Freedom Mentor:

#1 High Price Tag

There is no getting away that it is a high initial fee to get this mentoring program.  On top of the high one-time fee and the monthly membership fee, you are also paying out a 50/50 profit split.  This occurs between $100k to $500k, depending on the specifics of your deal.

It might seem like a small price to pay if you are able to close out a deal with a few million dollars, but realistically how often are you going to come across deals like that?

If you wanted to look at something more consistent in terms of income, I would advise you to look at affiliate marketing.

Another point is that most of the training that you may find on the mentoring program can be found elsewhere for free or at a much lower price.

Just having a look at some of the courses on Udemy for real estate investing courses shows a much lower price, and brought you by the likes of Khari Parker and Symon He.

freedom mentor review - udemy courses

But there are even books and other materials that are readily available with a quick Google search that are much lower than this huge price to join.

P.S. This program has helped us Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income, it is FREE to get started and only costs $49/month to go full-time!

#2 Mixed Reviews

Even though Freedom Mentor is legit, they will still be a level of scepticism, mostly from people who are wary of trusting thousands of dollars to a mentoring program.

The thing I want to pick up here though is my scepticism about some of the positive reviews that I had found about the program:

freedom mentor review - positive reviews

As you can see that these all big up the mentoring program, but there were all conveniently posts on the same day.  It is hard to say that these reviews are fake, as we have no proof, but it does seem suspicious that they are all at the same time, from members who have not included any details other than a name. 

Then there are the negative reviews where people are complaining about spending all of their money on a mentoring program that they claim does not work.

freedom mentor - negative review

Again, this might just be a disgruntled person who didn’t put any effort in.  But still, putting $10k on a credit card to get nothing back is a worrying factor.

I was also intrigued by this particular review, where Phil Pustjovsky himself actually responded to the review:

freedom mentor - Joe Negative Review

The majority of the review is centred around “Joe” calling out the sales representative who is trying to pressure the applicant into signing up for the program.

There is a point where the rep said, “there is no need for an attorney to get involved”. 

Now, that sets alarm bells going straightaway.  When you are talking this kind of money and investments, it is natural to have an attorney or accountant go through the financial agreements.

Phil does clarify some of the points up in his responses, but he cannot control everything, and it looks like some of his team are more interested in pressuring people in, regardless of whether it is the right decision…

#3 The 50/50 Split Doesn’t Add Up

Basically, you are signing up for a mentoring program that will cost you thousands of dollars, plus the $197 monthly membership fee, only to split your profits with the company for a contracted period of time???

I know that it is labelled as a form of motivation for mentors and students because everyone wins, right?

I mean, the company has another way to make money out of its students by getting half the profits.

You have to factor in there is no guarantee that this program will help you close a deal one month after you’ve going through your lessons.  There is no claim or guarantee of that on their website.

But by the time you have closed your first deal (after applying the lessons), you have probably already spent around $1,000 to $10,000 at the bare minimum just to get your money back.

You are running the risk of never making a sale or risk not making enough to recover your initial investment.

#4 Too Many Unanswered Questions

There are also a few questions that are still to be answered about Freedom Mentor, these are most associated with its exclusivity and secrecy.  Those questions are:

  1. How are they selecting these applicants who can join?
  2. What standards are they working to?
  3. How does the mentoring program adjust to your needs once you have been screened?
  4. What are the lending partners like? What are their like for you to work with?

I think it is important that any potential student knows the answers to these questions beforehand, if the program wants to get quality students.

It also makes for a great selling point too.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

My Freedom Mentor Review - Final Conclusion

Phil Pustejovsky’s Freedom Mentor is definitely not a scam, and like we said before shouldn’t be confused with You Freedom Mentor, which definitely is a scam.

It is a legitimate real estate investment mentoring program that helps its students either get started with their real estates or takes it to the next level.

However, all in all, we would not recommend this program for the following reasons.

First off, there is the price.  It is expensive for what it is supposed to bring to the table.  The training and information is available elsewhere for a much lower price.  A good book from Amazon would fill in the gaps, and then there is plenty of free information available via a Google search.

There is also the concerns around the mentoring.  I know they claim this 50/50 profit share is supposed to make them want to help you.  But it can also have the effect of them pressuring you into investing more money than you want to spend or borrowing more than you want to share, as it shown in our cons section with that negative review.  There is no getting away from the fact that it is also an expensive fee to share.  The profit on real estate is normally what helps you pay off the financial burden, etc.  But you are losing out on 50% and I bet you will be doing a lot more work than you mentor does.

We are also sceptical about their reviews.  There is not enough information to confirm whether they are 100% genuine or not.

I have also found a number of positive freedom mentor reviews, where they talk about the great stuff, then at the bottom they are telling you they will help you with it.  Meaning they are trying to recruit people to work under them.  It makes it sound a little like an MLM.

Overall, I feel there are too many concerns to make a good case for you to hand over that kind of money on what could be considered a gamble.

There are plenty of courses on sites like Udemy, and if real estate is something you really want to consider, I would look at a few of these courses just to get a feel for what is really involved with real estate investing before handing over $3,000 just to find it might not be for you.

How We Make Money Online

Before you go, we just want to share how we make money online.  Just in case, you didn’t realise there are other options where there is not such a huge start-up fee.

We make money online through Affiliate Marketing.  Simply put, affiliate marketing allows you to take a hobby or passion and then make money by promoting products and services related to that subject you love.

It is kind of like, making money from something you love and by helping people.

Real Estate is a tough market and requires huge investments and training, and I just feel like Freedom Mentor will fall down on what it can offer.

But I have also seen that many people are not aware of what is legit online and worry about everything, so they feel real estate is the only way to make money.  But that is simply not true.

We have personally created a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income stream through Affiliate Marketing and if you are interested in learning about another (and better) way to make money online, you may want to consider learning a little more about what is involved with Affiliate Marketing.

But I can tell you that it is a much lower risk option than real estate.  If you want to learn more about Affiliate Marketing, here is the link to our full guide on how it works.

Thanks for checking out our Freedom Mentor review.  If you have any questions or comments, then please write to us in the comments section below.  We will get back to you as soon as we can. 😉

Freedom Mentor

$3,000 + $197 Monthly Fee

Overall Rating



  • Training & Mentoring


  • High Price Tag
  • Mixed Reviews
  • The 50/50 Split Doesn't Add Up
  • Too Many Unanswered Questions

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