Is Fliik A Scam? Comparison Video Creator Review

Welcome to our Fliik Review!

Fliik makes a lot of bold claims and promises in their sales page around helping you generating traffic really easily with their Comparison Video Creator.  But is all just hype, Is Fliik a Scam?  Or, is it a worthwhile investment?

That is what we are going to help you with in our Fliik Review.

First off, it’s great to see that you are doing your research before buying into any “seemingly good” product.

That’s how you avoid scams and only find legitimate ways to make money online!

To be completely transparent, we are not associated with Fliik in any form.  We are not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we want to reveal to you how Fliik doesn’t live up to all its hype and promises in the sales video, and it’ll will not be the magic button system you’ve been looking for…

Fliik Review Summary

Product Name: Fliik

Founder: Mark Bishop & Venkata Ramana

Product Type: Product Comparison Video Builder

Price: $17 + Upsells

Best For: Affiliate Marketers Wanting to Create Comparison Videos

Is Fliik a Scam - Product Image

Summary: Fliik is software that lets you create videos that do a comparison between two products.  The problem we have is their claims about it creating instant traffic and massive daily results, which Fliik cannot guarantee.

This is a typical MMO product that does offer a little value for a low price, but then hits you with a ton of upsells and you’ll still have the hard part of generating traffic to do yourself.  No program can guarantee you instant traffic or instant results, and that is why we wouldn’t recommend Fliik to you.

Rating: 40/100

Recommended? No

Table of Contents

What is Fliik?

Fliik is software that will allow you to create product comparison videos to use within your marketing, and helps you guide people towards the best deal or the product you would like them to buy.  Product Comparisons are great within online shopping, as people like to compare products before getting to a point where they are ready to buy.

Fliik is brought to you from Internet Marketers; Mark Bishop & Venkata Ramana.  Mark could be described as a bit of a serial product creator, as he has a ton of these kind of products online.  Other products by Mark are:

  • VS Evolution
  • Arvo
  • Contenu
  • Link2Vid
  • Trendds
  • VideoSumo
  • Ecompare 2.0
  • VidBiz

I could go on, but if one of them even worked half as well as he marketed them, he wouldn’t need to keep creating new ones.  If something works, it will sell for years to come.  So, I’m not holding out much hope for his latest creation, Fliik…

Whilst I have no doubt that you will be able to use Fliik to create comparison videos, it is the sales hype that I am more disappointed in as it makes you think that you will get instant traffic with this program.

Any online marketer will tell you that high quality traffic is the most important aspect of any online enterprise.  Without traffic, there is little point doing anything.  So, how can creating a comparison video alone without any strategy create traffic?  

That is when you start to realise that things being to unravel…

Inside Fliik

Within Fliik, you’ll be given a program that will allow you to create these comparison videos by choosing from a selection of products within the dashboard.

Then you’ll also be given some tutorial videos to show you how to create the videos and then share them to video sharing sites.

Here are the training modules within Fliik…

  • Fliik Overview Video
  • Creating Campaigns on Fliik
  • How to Create Video using ClickBank Products
  • How to Get Amazon API Keys
  • How to Manually Add Products to a Video Campaign
  • Editing & Deleting Campaigns from Dashboard
  • How to Sign Up For ClickBank Account
  • How to Get eBay API Keys
  • How to Connect Dropbox & Upload
  • How to Get Vimeo API Keys & Share Video on Vimeo
  • How to Install DFY Importer Plugin (10 sites)
  • How to add API Keys and do Live Search
  • How to Manage Theme Options
  • Traffic Booster (DEMO)
  • How to add to Cart and Wishlist Works

P.S. This Program helped us create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s FREE to get started and only costs $49/month to go full-time!  It includes training, tools, and endless support too…

How Does Fliik Work?

They make it sound very simple on their sales page, they state that to make money and get instant traffic, all you need to do is follow these three steps…

Step #1 – Login to Fliik and chooses 2-3 comparable products

Step #2 – Use Fliik to create a unique comparison video and hub, each one takes just a minute to complete

Step #3 – Then upload and syndicate your comparison video

Whilst it might sound simple, there is much more to this than meets the eye.  For example, just uploading a video to YouTube or Vimeo doesn’t mean that you will automatically get traffic to it.  You might if you already have a huge following, but someone with a huge following wouldn’t need a crappy IM program to get more traffic.

There are many red flags we have with this product, and ultimately this will not get you any further if you’re struggling to generate traffic already (you need the right training), or if you’re just starting out and got hooked by this cheap program claiming to make you rich, then again you need the right training and not a “magic solution” that will fall flat on its face.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does Fliik Cost?

When you think that at the time of writing this, Fliik is retailing for $17.03 (I know, odd right?) it sounds like a great deal.  But that is just to get you into their sales funnel, which will begin as soon as you pay that $17.03.

Before you even hit the members area, you will be presented with a ton of upsells that apparently will increase your profit margins hugely.  Even though, the sales page said it was a complete program, you’ll always find they have more they chuck at you when you’re into the program.

Here are the upsells (and downsells you will meet along the way)

Front End Product – Fliik – $17.03

If you turn that down, it’s offered for $14.03

Upsell 1 – Big – $67  Downsell 1 – Big Lite – $37

Upsell 2 – Compare – $47  Downsell 2 – Compare Lite – $27

Upsell 3 – Instant Mega Traffic – $97  Downsell 3 – Instant Mega Traffic Lite – $67

Upsell 4 – Agency Unlimited – $67  Downsell 4 – Agency 1K – $47

Upsell 5 – 1K Week V3 – $127  DownSell 5 – 1K Week 4 – $97

If you spent the maximum amount on all the upsells, that would lead to you spending $422.03!!  If you went through all the downsells, it would lead to $289.03!!

What We Liked About Fliik

Here is what we liked about Fliik:

#1 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

There is the opportunity to get your money back if you’re not satisfied…

What We Didn't Like About Fliik

Here is what we didn’t like about Fliik:

#1 Upsells

If the base product was a worthwhile investment, then you would think that they would charge more.  But to charge you a small amount, only to hit you with a huge list of upsells that will cost you over $400 to actually get the program to do what they claim to do.

#2 Too Much Hype & Unrealistic Claims

When you factor in the hype and claims they are showing you in the sales pitch, this program will not live up to the promises it has.  Here are the claims they have:

  • Instant FREE Traffic via Organic Placement and Multi-Platform Syndication
  • Massive Daily Results Without Cost

This program will disappoint you, all that means is that you can share these videos to social media and the like, and that doesn’t guarantee anything…  If you are going to believe these sales page, then buying their product will definitely disappoint you.

#3 You’ll Still Need to Generate Traffic

These programs are only there to lull you in and convince you that there is an easy way to make money and generate loads of traffic.  These programs all do one thing, and that is not help you generate traffic.

It is the most important aspect of online marketing and you will be sorely disappointed with this program relating to this.  The only shortcut to getting traffic is to start paying for it using PPC marketing.  But that again is not guaranteed, and you need to use a lot of trial and error to get your strategy right.  Which could cost you thousands.

You’ll end up with a comparison video, but they won’t provide you the traffic that goes with it…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is Fliik a Scam?

Is Fliik a Scam, no it isn’t a scam.  It will provide you a way of creating a product comparison video.  But from the point of view of whether this program is misleading, I’ve got to say that this program is completely misleading with the way it’s being marketed.

They mislead you around the way that it claims you will get instant free traffic, but that isn’t how it works.  You’ll end up with a video that you’ll need to share yourself.  You might as well create your own video, and learn how to market it yourself.

For that reason, we wouldn’t recommend this to you if you thought this was going to be the answer to you being able to make money online!

How We Make Money Online

Making money online is possible, but shiny object programs like this one will not necessarily help you in your goals due to the fact they leave the hardest part of the process up to you.

Generating high quality free traffic is the goal of any online business, but it requires some hard work and a bit of time to get it.  But that hard work is definitely worth it to get traffic that is interested in your promotions.

They mention on their sales page, Affiliate Marketing is a lot simpler than dropshipping or creating your own online business.  Which it is… But it requires the right training and someone  who can help you, and who wants to help you…  That is why we recommend Wealthy Affiliate if you want to make money online…

They offer training, tools and support, and no hype.  They will tell you that you’ll need to invest time into your business.  That it isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme.  But if you follow their proven step-by-step training then you’ll definitely be on a path to finding financial freedom.  If you want to read our full review, then click here.

Thanks for checking out our Fliik Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add to our review, then please write them in the comments section.  Thanks. 😉


$17.03 + Upsells

Overall Rating



  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee


  • Upsells
  • Too Much Hype & Unrealistic Claims
  • You'll Still need to Generate Traffic

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