Hey, welcome to my Octane Review, before we go into What is the Octane App all about. Let’s first start by saying there are a few different Octane apps on the web.
So, let’s just clarify which product we are talking about in this review. The reason I say this, is you will find there is an Octane App all about cars, an Octane app all about fitness. But the one we are going to be talking about is the Octane App that is to do with YouTube Marketing. So, unfortunately if you are looking for a review about the other apps, this isn’t it. But then again, if you are looking for a way to generate some passive income, then my site might be just what you are looking for…
Claiming to be “a system that is so powerful, it should be illegal…” and apparently allows you to generate a truly passive income stream by ethically stealing content from the internet.
Now, at this point I must say it does seem like it shares a lot of red flags that would normally sit with a scam product – full of promises and lack any real substance. But as we go through the Octane review, we will cover all of these points and see if it is full of false promises or is actually a decent product.
Octane App Overview & Rankings
Owners: Jono Armstrong
Website URL: http://www.buyoctane.com
Product Type: YouTube Marketing, Affiliate Marketing Training
Price: $27.97
Best For: Video Marketers
BestAffiliateMarketingTools.org Rating: 3/5
A Quick Octane App Summary
Claiming to allow you to “ethically steal” videos to showcase on your own YouTube channel and make easy money, it sounds like a typically make money online product. We were intrigued and explored, but after review these are not stock videos you can use, you will be stealing other people’s videos and adding a little outro, to make them unique. Not recommended, if you want a genuine way of earning money with affiliate marketing, you need the right training.
What Exactly is Octane App?
Jono Armstrong brings out another software and training program that is claiming to be totally newbie friendly, and a way of earning money online without a website or paid ads. So naturally, we wanted to delve in and have a look.
Now, my first opinions weren’t great, it had a typical (scammy) sales page promising the world. A video with the owner in a hot tub professing how good this system was – with him claming that following 3 simple steps could give you a passive income stream with Video Marketing and “ethically stealing” content so you don’t have to do hard work.
All these signs gave me a cold chill, as this product would normally make me want to run a mile…
However, when you dig into it a little more, you actually get to understand that the strategy that they are training you on, is actually legal and is allowed as the videos you would be using come with a Creative Commons Licence, which means the creators of these videos have given permission for the videos to be edited and used in any way you choose.
SO, whilst the method isn’t called into question, there are a few tactics that he discusses that I would highly suggest you don’t use, as they would get you into trouble with YouTube. All of that is discussed in this review.
But in short, Octane is a piece of software that allows you to create your own video, get access to thousands of ready-made videos and you use their software to edit them and upload them to create your own YouTube channel full of videos.
How Does Octane App Work?
With the Octane Software installed on your system, you start by searching for relevant videos with your relevant keywords.
This will give you access to videos that are created on YouTube or Vimeo, supposedly with a creative commons licence so you can edit it.
Edit and trim the video to what you want and add your own outro with your own call to action.
Once you are happy with the video, and it is rendered you can share it on social media and upload it to YouTube via the software.
Check out the video below, to see how it works

Now, up until this point I am thinking it looks ok for bloggers and those looking to make money online, but the next step Jono uses is what I am concerned about.
YouTube is always looking for relevant video for its users. They also love Live video, as that is the way society is going – but Jono uploads this video as Live!
It is apparently the step that means you will get ranked easier and quicker. He claims it gets him better exposure, which is fine. But this is going to be of a limited benefit, as YouTube has announced it is going to crack down on videos that are claiming to be live and are in fact not.
I am not saying in anyway; this software is scam and that it will not help people with YouTube. But this step is something I cannot endorse, and I think it is something that could get the Octane app in trouble for.
Especially as Jono Armstrong last two programs (Secret Weapon & Zero to $100 in 24Hrs) were both over-hyped and did not deliver – and I am still not sure about this one, if you follow the Live Video trick, he claims works wonders.
Octane Training
Once you are into the Octane Dashboard, there are 3 levels of training:
Profit Method 1: Easy
This training video focuses on how to make money with ClickBank and Amazon’s affiliate programs.
Profit Method 2: Medium
These video tutorials are about how to get paid commissions through affiliate networks like JV Zoo and WarriorPlus. The method taught here is called ‘Launch Jacking’, which is a method Jono specialises in.
Profit Method 3: Advanced
The third video tutorial walks you through how to build an email marketing list. Email Marketing is very effective as it helps with building the trust of your buyers.
What is Good About Octane App (PROS)
Here is what we liked about it:
Video Marketing
Video Marketing is growing, and we all need to stay up-to-date (and I need to get into Video) and this product does do that. Many people, including me are a bit camera shy and so this product does help with those looking to get into Video Marketing. But I do have reservations about this product, which I will get into in the Cons.
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
As it is backed by WarriorPlus (an affiliate network), you get a 30-day money back guarantee. So, if you feel it isn’t for you, you can always get your money back.
What Could Octane App Improve on? (CONS)
Here is what we didn’t like:
Stealing Other People’s Content – Claiming it is Legit
This does not sit with me at all, if you watched the video above it shows how Jono has taken someone else’s video, added 5 seconds of content (a Call to Action) and then uploaded it to YouTube. I know it worked and got him ranked, but I find it highly suspect that the video is no longer available on YouTube?
But I think it is plagiarism, and I think that anyone who has uploaded a video to YouTube signs up to the Creative Commons rights, so if someone has created a video and uploaded, someone could be using it and with permission, but only because that is a technicality.
Technically it is not illegal, but only because of the way the rights are on YouTube.
Supposedly Live Video
I also find that uploading it as live, when it clearly isn’t is not going to go a great way to building trust with potential buyers. I also understand that YouTube is going to a lot of trouble of finding this ‘supposedly’ live videos and removing them.
Only Positive Reviews
It is a new product and there are not many reviews out yet, but to only find positive reviews that do not even include any cons does make me wonder if they are just trying to promote it to earn affiliate commission. It does look like it works, but I question the longevity of the product, because of the methods shown. YouTube will eventually clamp down on these ‘Live Videos” How long before someone rips off the wrong video, and a lawsuit is brought. If that video worked for Jono, why hasn’t he kept it there and why hasn’t it kept its rankings. I am guessing it is because YouTube or John Crestani (the person’s product used in the video) has had it removed.
Lack of a Landing Page
The training takes you from adding a Call to Action onto the end of a video that is already there on YouTube and taking them straight to an affiliate link. The example he used is Internet Jetset. But that is supposedly assuming most will just watch the video, be convinced and decide to go straight to a selling page. In my experience, people are more wary nowadays and will want to do some research before buying – but this may lead to you not getting the sale.
How Much Does Octane App Cost?
That is the saving grace for those that think this product is for them, as it only cost $27.97 with a 30-day money back guarantee. But if this product is so good, I wonder why a brand-new product that is supposedly $197 is only going for $27.97.
ON the sales page you will also see 3 bonuses, but in reality, they are just 3 ways on why Octane is so good…
I know I might sound like I am beating this product up a bit, and I suppose I am. But that is because I can normally see through all the sales pitches to weigh up whether a product is worth it or not.
There is also a time ticking down on the sales page, stating that you will get all of these bonueses thrown in when you buy. It is a scarcity tactic, that is redundant most of the time, as you will still get them whether it do it before the clock ticks down or not.
(in fact, when I was researching the sales page, once you had watched the couple of videos and read the material, the clock had already gone down – it is thought they are expecting people to just scroll down to buy it)
My Honest Opinion of Octane App – Is it a Scam?
Whilst I wouldn’t class this as a scam, I would question the sales tactics, scarcity tactics and the over-promising that Jono claims in his sales videos to make this worthwhile.
Video Marketing is effective, but you need to build trust and stealing other people’s videos, regardless of the legality of it does not lead to a trusting relationship between a seller and a buyer.
It may lead to free content, but if you are just sending people straight to affiliate links, this will not cut it depending on the product.
The fact he pitches the video as live is also going to be short-lived as YouTube has vowed to remove these videos.
Jono has over-promised with products in the past, and I wonder how he will get over these hurdles with this product too. I am sure some will use it, as it promises free traffic, etc. But what is the point of traffic, if they do not trust you enough to follow your affiliate links.
Affiliate Marketing is a very effective business model, but trust is the foundation that it is built on. I find this not a great way of building up that trust. You need a website, and reputable brand to succeed and a “get-rich-quick” scheme.
Affiliate Marketing is a great business model, but to succeed you need to follow the right training and doing it ethically. Stealing other people’s videos because of a technicality doesn’t sit right with me. The sales pitch is convincing, we even felt it was good until we watched the video on how he “stole” the video. At first, I thought they were the usual stock videos you might come across, but it was someone else’s video off their own channel, that he just stuck an outro to. That is stealing in my view, I cannot recommend something that promotes that.
Octane App at a Glance
Owners: Jono Armstrong
Website URL: http://www.buyoctane.com
Product Type: YouTube Marketing, Affiliate Marketing Training
Price: $27.97
Best For: Video Marketers
Recommended: No
BestAffiliateMarketingTools.org Rating: 3/5
Verdict: There is no such thing as Ethical Stealing, Not Recommended
If you are looking for a genuine way of learning how to get started in affiliate marketing, I can tell you there are much better ways than products that promise the world at a low price to entice you in, only to find it doesn’t work. Wealthy Affiliate has training and tools designed with the beginner in mind and have proven success stories. You can get started for free with a free starter membership, but I recommend you read my Wealthy Affiliate review first.
Affiliate Marketing is a proven strategy, but it needs to be executed right for you to see it work. Trying to take shortcuts and putting any effort in can only lead to failure. If you are sick of seeing products that give you false promises, then do check out Wealthy Affiliate.
Thanks for your time reading my review, if you have any questions or experience with this software, then please add your comments below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
This is interesting. I’m in internet marketing and I’m always looking for new ways to expand my business and add more streams of income.
First looking at the Octane app, it seems like it would be a great way to earn some easy money using YouTube. But, like you, it doesn’t sit well with me to use someone else’s content in the way that he’s suggesting.
First of all, I like to do internet marketing with integrity. Secondly, this is something that YouTube will certainly start to crack down on at some point (as you mentioned will likely happen with posting “Live” videos that aren’t live). These guys are smart, and they just want good content.
No, thanks. I’m going to pass on the Octane app and just keep doing things the right way.
Hi Christina,
thanks for checking out my review. I agree, it doesn’t seem right to jump on the back of someone else’s success to chuck affiliate links at people. Defo will bounce back on them.
Awesome John. Your article is very informative. I’m glad that I found it today. Every blogger must have this information. Octane App seems like a very powerful product, looking forward to using it. It’s cost and ratings as you mentioned, looks pretty awesome. Just one question, Can I install it in my windows pc? Does it work effectively in both mac and pc?
Thanks for sharing this article. Looking forward to more of such information on your website.
Hey Akshay,
thanks for checking out my review, it works on both. I just would err a side of caution using what is definitely duplicate content and YouTube are very clever at differentiating. Be careful out there.
Hi, interesting review on a product that a lot of people would be very cautious about. I certainly would want to know more about it before investing in it, but then I am naturally cautious and sceptical.
I think you have given the app a very fair review.
I have no experience with it and would definitely want further favourable statistics before I even considered something like this.
Do you use the app? Are there any other comparable apps?
Hi Louise,
thanks for checking out my review. I agree with you, I am normally cautious about this kind of stuff. Especially when the marketing is done like it is with Octane.
I personally don’t use the app (other than to research it). But like I said in my review, it is still stealing, regardless of the technicality of it.
As to comparable apps, I would not say there is anything close to it. But recording your own videos will have more benefit in the long run, I feel.
hope that helps
Hi John Crossley,
I have read your article on what is the octane app-can you earn passive income in 3 clicks review, i am totally agreed with you that this is not a scam and we can also earn from this site. you are very kind and helpful thats why you clarified your opinion about the website. thank you so much for your kind information.
thanks for checking out my review. whilst it isn’t a scam, I would caution you to be careful using it, as you would not want YouTube coming down hard on your channel as that could have a long term effect on your business.
It is amazing, I have read your article carefully and love it very much. Really It is so helpful for video marketing. Many more good feature, easy to use and low cost. The online training system is so effective for the new user. As a digital marketer, I am so much interested to use this app for my video editing and highly recommended it. Thanks for the review.
Hi Jafor,
thanks for checking out my review. I would just point out that I would be very wary of this product and how long people are going to be able to use other people’s videos before YouTube starts penalising people. It didn’t take long for YouTube to take down Jono’s so-called Live Video, as it wasn’t live.
Just be careful
There are tons of ways to earn money online . Some do through comments , some through videos , some through blogs etc . The octane app is for the people who earn through videos . This app helps people to accurate their videos . With the right training huge profit can be made through the affiliate of the octane app .
like I have mentioned in my review and comments, I would be careful with this product and stating a video is live, when it is clearly not is not a long-term strategy that will work.
Just be careful, thanks