Commission Pages Review – Easy $500+ Per Day System or Total Scam?

Welcome to our Commission Pages Review!

Has someone approached you with this amazing product that will help you earn over $500 per day, and you’re not entirely convinced as the sales page looks a little too good to be true, right?  Commission Pages does have a lot of hype on their sales page, but can it really do all it claims to, or is there more to this than meets the eye…?

First off, it’s great to see that you are doing your research before buying into any “seemingly goos” product.

That is how you avoid scams and find only legitimate ways to make money online!

To be fully transparent with you, we’re not associated with Commission Pages in any form.  We’re not here to pitch or sell you anything.

Instead, we’re want to reveal to you what this program really is and why it’s not exactly all as it seems…

Commission Pages Review Summary

Product Name: Commission Pages

Founder: Glynn Kosky

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing

Price: $18.26 (at time of writing) + Upsells

Best For: No One!

Commission Pages Review

Summary: Commission Pages is a platform that claims to help you earn money online.  But all it offers is some Done-For-You (DFY) funnels to other MMO products.  They claim to provide you with free traffic sources, but this will lead you to investing in other programs, which aren’t the best in the market or the ability to share them within your own social media.

Then there are the upsells.  This is a typical sales funnel that gives you something for a small charge, then has you spend more to actually get the ability to do anything close to what they claim.  With all the hype and the fact that the claims they are making are not realistic, we would not recommend this to you…

Rating: 35/100

Recommended? No!

Table of Contents

What is Commission Pages?

Commission Pages claims to be a program that gives you a proven way to make money, it even claims that they use the methods to earn $525+ a day with Commission Pages giving you the mindset that you can do the same thing… Oh, I wish.

What Commission Pages really is, is a platform that provides you with some Done-For-You Sales Funnels for some other MMO programs online, or to create your own funnel and then gives you the ability to share them via social media (that is the free traffic, they’re on about).  Or, you can gain access to their other traffic sources, but these will lead you to external programs.  So, in a sense, they don’t actually provide you with any traffic that you couldn’t source yourself.

Commission Pages is brought to you by Glynn Kosky.  Glynn could be described as a serial product creator as he brings out a lot of programs, and the three external programs that you’ll be introduced within the program are also Glynn’s, or at least associated to him.

Inside Commission Pages

Within the Commission Pages membership area, you get access to a number of different elements.  These include basic training on how to use the platform, set up the funnels and how to generate traffic.  But they all seem to be YouTube videos, so you could learn stuff without actually investing in the program.

I was interested to see what the Done-For-You funnels were, and hey are other MMO programs which aren’t particularly that great.

They include:

  • 1K Daily System
  • Pasive Profit Funnels
  • Recurring Profit Machine

These are all programs that are in a sense pretty much the same as Commission Pages.  In that, I mean they’re all hype and exaggerated claims that are not going to actually help you earn money. 

The two ways they claim the system gives you free traffic are thus:

The first is that they let you share your funnels on social media platforms.  This is great if you have a highly targeted audience already on your social media channels.  But I’m guessing that all you have at the moment is your friends and family, so you will just be pitching crappy IM programs online to your friends (and end up alienating them).

That leads to the alternative source of traffic, which is a collection of YouTube videos and three external programs.  These three programs are:

  1. Affiliate Traffic Lab – Video Generator Software
  2. Viral News Jacker – Building an Email List
  3. Tube Traffic Machine – generating traffic on YouTube

If you want to take a look around the members area, this video gives you an overlook of the members area:

If you’re not too sure still how this works, don’t worry let’s go through that know…

How Does Commission Pages Really Work?

Let’s be clear, this program will not work in the sense that you will not be earning tons of money just by sharing these funnels on your social media, and even if you did buy the additional programs, you would still need to spend the time to build up a traffic source.

This is effectively a sales funnel that will lead you to the upsells in the program, these they will tell you are integral to succcess with this program.  The other idea is to get you to buy into these additional programs, that promise free traffic but will require you to buy them to utilise these free traffic.

Free traffic isn’t that difficult to generate with the right strategy, but the more important aspect is having the right product and putting in front of the right audience.

They have dangled a carrot that is quick earnings and an easy route – but what they have really created is a “low-priced” product that makes you think this is fantastic, but then once you are into their funnel, you get to see that you need to spend more to follow their methods, and that this is nowhere near as easy as they make out and you’ll not earn $525+ per day just like that.

We’ve reviewed hundreds of these programs and they all leave the most difficult part of the process up to you to do, and that is the traffic part.

They all tend to use social media and there is a reason why they do.  It’s really easy to share something on social media, even on your personal profile I bet you share pictures or write a post all the time.  It isn’t that difficult.

But that’s different as you are sharing personal stuff to your friends and family.  Now, if you were to share these funnels to your friends and family on your social media, would they be the ideal target audience for that product?

This can actually ruin relationships as if they do click on your links and buy the product, then great you’ve made a sale.  But when they realise it ends up being really expensive, or they find it doesn’t work (and trust me, it doesn’t work), then they will look at you completely different.

Plus, this will not end up being a long-term income.  You need to build an effective marketing strategy with the right product for the right audience.  You’ll not learn the correct way with this program.

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

How Much Does Commission Pages Cost?

At the time of writing this, Commission Pages costs $18.26 and it sounds a good deal, if it worked as effectively as they made out.  You’ve got to remember, in the claim they state that they make $525+ per day with this program, and they probably do when they pull in a lot of newbies who aren’t actually sure of what this program really does.

But that $18.26 is only the tip of the iceberg, and you need to consider the upsells that come along the sales funnel.  So, let’s go through these now…

OTO #1 – Commission Pages Unlimited ($67)

If you bypass, they will try and hook you in with a downsell to $37.  This gives you the ability to crate unlimited funnels, etc. with a premium suite of templates

OTO #2 – Commission Pages 100% Done-For-You ($97)

This downsells to $47.  It provides you with a library of DFY automated profit sites,

OTO #3 – Commission Pages Unlimited Traffic ($147)

This downsells to $47.  It claims to provide you with a 100% DFY traffic system.  They also give you the ability to siphon traffic from their previous launch products and future products.

OTO #4 – Commission Pages $30K in 30 Days ($97)

Another downsell to $47, and it claims to help you generate an easy $30K in 30 days where everything is done for you…

OTO #5 – Commission Pages Super Affiliate ($97)

Downsells to $37.  This is a one-click bonus page creator.

OTO #6 – Commission Pages Licence Rights ($147)

This downsells down to $67 and gives you the ability to resell Commission Pages itself and earn 70% of the commissions.

OTO #7 – Commission Pages AUTO Profit Boost ($47)

Downsells to $37 and provides you several additional tools that claims to help you sell more…

The Other Costs…

Then you’ll also have to factor in the additional costs that go with the three additional programs they push you towards to using for free traffic.

These are:

  1. Affiliate Traffic Lab – which is either $27.95 or $47.95 plus other costs
  2. Viral News Jacker – Front End Product is $27
  3. Tube Traffic Machine – Front End Product is $27

When the factor in the costs of the all the upsells, this ends up being a total of $717.26! Before you factor in these other costs.  Even if you only paid the downsells, this would end up being $337.26!

Then, you would need to consider the total costs of the sales funnels within these additional programs (Affiliate Traffic Lab, Viral News Jacker, Tube Traffic Machine)

P.S. This program helped us Create a 4-Figure Monthly Passive Income Stream.  It’s FREE to get started and only costs $49/month to go full-time!  It provides training, tools, support and a proven strategy…

What We Liked About Commission Pages

We haven’t found anything we liked about this program, they are using hype and misleading sales pitches to make you believe that earning that kind of money with very little effort is a reality.  We don’t condone their methods, and therefore cannot with good conscious write anything positive about them…

What We Didn't Like About Commission Pages

Here is what we didn’t like about Commission Pages:

#1 Too Much Hype & Unrealistic Claims

The claims they are using on their sales page are very misleading and they make it out that this won’t require a lot of effort and they even claim it is DFY, but that isn’t really the case and the free traffic methods are going to cost you additional costs if you don’t just use their social media sharing feature.

You’ll not succeed solely by using their methods.  I mean look at their initial claim:

Bold Claim - Commission Pages

I mean, I bet they are making money using this system.  But that is because Glynn is an experienced marketer and has a huge following, so they already have traffic.

So, this works for them, but I don’t think it will work for you…

#2 Generating Traffic is Still The Issue

They tell you that you get traffic as part of the system, but that isn’t exactly true.  First off, the first method of traffic is just to give you the ability to share your DFY funnels on social media.  Not a great source of traffic, unless someone is ready to buy your product that you are promoting. 

That will naturally lead you to their other source of traffic, which they claim is free, but is a funnel to three external products that all require you buying them, and they all come with their own funnels.  Each will cost you at least $27, but I bet the spending doesn’t stop there…

#3 All the Other Positive Reviews…

You’ve probably noticed that our review does differ from a lot of the other reviews online, and that is because there is a key difference between our review and theres…  And that is the fact that we are not promoting this product.  They are all telling you it is a great product and you should buy it, so they can earn a commission from the sale.

We’re more interested in helping people find the best way to get started online, and not taking money from a program that we know will lead to you ending up in debt or nowhere closer to earning money.

We’re here to help and not exploit…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Is Commission Pages a Scam?

I have to be very careful about what I say, as you do get a done-for-you funnel with your initial investment, you also get some training on how to get started.

However, this program is very misleading and is, in our opinion only a sales funnel into getting you to spend big to help them earn more, rather than you being able to benefit from their training.

Due to the fact they are misleading you, and aren’t providing enough to help you get started with an effective marketing strategy, we definitely wouldn’t recommend this program to you.

If you want to learn the correct way to make money online, then keep on reading…

A Better Alternative...

If you are serious about finding a way to make money online, then there is one thing you really need to know.  Any program that claims it is all done-for-you and there is nothing for you to do, is typically full of BS.

Making money online requires time and effort, and these programs that claim to give you a shortcut only work to make the owners richer, and not help you.

We can help you make money online, but no one can do it for you…

We make money online using a process called Affiliate Marketing.  It is totally legit, and is the basis on which Commission Pages is working.  They promote these other programs to get you to buy them, and they will earn a commission from the sale.

We do it in a different way, as it we help people rather than exploit people.  

If you want to get started with a proven strategy, with a step-by-step guide that has a proven track record.  Where it offers you tools and the support of a community of over 1.4 million other members, then you definitely need to check out Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s free to get started and provides you with all the tools, training, and support for you to make money online.   If you’re serious about wanting to make money, then you need to be serious about investing the time and effort into this.  But it becomes easy, with the right training.

Thanks for checking out our Commission Page Review!  If you have any questions or comments to add, then please write them in the comments section below. 😉

Commission Pages

$18.26 + Upsells

Overall Rating



  • Nothing


  • Too Much Hype & Unrealistic Claims
  • Generating Traffic Is Still The Issues
  • All the Other Positive Reviews
  • Hidden Costs/Upsells

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