10 Best Reasons to Work from Home… But Why it’s Harder Than you Think

10 Best Reasons to Work from Home… But Why it’s Harder Than you Think

There are many benefits to working from home and it is a lifestyle many crave. Being able to work when you want, how you want and more importantly fit it around you rather than your company or boss all has an appeal. But I also want to share with you the other side of working from home to consider… it is definitely harder to motivate yourself at times too.

I will share with you 10 of the best reasons to work from home, but also a couple of factors to consider if you do.

I use affiliate links to support bestaffiliatemarketingtools.org, for more information click here.

You Control Your Schedule

Being able to control when you work has a multitude of benefits, I find myself more productive on an evening. But compare that to your normal job – a 9 to 5 job suffers with the commute; a flexible shift worker never knows their shifts too far in advance.  Working nights to earn extra money means you miss out on the family… the reasons are endless, and it can be much better for you if you planned your own schedule.

No Drive to Work

The amount of time we lose through the commute to work and then there is also the fuel savings.  Fuel is costing more allCommute to Work the time, especially with the push for electric cars and getting penalised for driving a diesel car.  You might be someone who goes to work via train, but the train fares are constantly going up with overcrowded trains a big problem.

It is no surprise that many of us are stressed before we even get to work, and we have the same joys to go through on the way home.

More Time for Parenting or Your Own Pursuits

One of the biggest benefits I have seen from working from home is spending more time with my family.  Being able to walk Will to school or take him to his Tae Kwon Do lessons is something I really enjoy and missed out massively with my day job.

More Family TimeThere are also the benefits for if he is ever unwell and cannot attend school.

But for many of you who aren’t parents, there is the opportunity to get back into a hobby or arrange to catch up with some friends without the normal barriers. I remember one Friday, my day job involved a lot of driving, and I was supposed to be meeting up with Friends and Family for a drink to celebrate a birthday – but due to a pile up on the motorway I didn’t get back home until 11pm and missed out on it.

It seems to be your hobbies or interests always take a backseat to the job, as it pays the bills and I get that – but working from home definitely gives you more freedom to pursue them.

Control Over Income

One of the key reasons why people do not pursue working from home is they worry that they will not bring in the same amount as their day job or having enough to live on.  But the advantages of a home business are it can allow you to earn what you are worth – and you will get paid based on what effort you put in and not whether a boss feels you deserve a pay rise.

As a business owner, you can set your own income goals and product/service prices.  You will also reap the rewards from the time and effort you put into your home business.  Plus most home businesses start as a side gig on top of a normal job, until you are ready to change that arrangement.

Tax Benefits

There are tax benefits to having your own business from home, you can write off equipment, supplies and even a portion of your home or car if appropriate. You can even claim a portion of utilities you use, i.e. internet or electric.

It is also worth pointing out that with a normal job you get taxed on what you earn.  In your home business, you can deduct your expenses first and only pay tax on your net income.

I would always advise you seek professional advice with this, but there are definite benefits.

No Work Uniform

Wear what you like… unless you have clients to see or are doing a skype call, there is no restriction on what you wear.

During the summer, you will not have to wear formalwear that bakes you when the heatwave arrives.

No Boss

There are normally a couple of reasons why we look for ways to work from home, sometimes it is to earn more money or pay off debt.  Or that your boss is not that great. Not all of them are a problem, but at the end of the day reporting to a boss doesn’t give you the freedom to push yourself into doing something or making decisions.

Feel a Greater Level of Satisfaction

Think of it with your current job, when you achieve something is there any recognition… does it mean that you can go home and feel motivated from it…

Everyday there is some level of satisfaction from starting your own business.  Launching your first product, launching a website, getting your first customer review.

Let’s be honest, you will never get the same level of recognition from your day job. Starting an online business and growing it to the point where it is helping people and creating income for yourself will be a much better place to be.

Learn New Skills & Grow as a Professional

To make an online business work and grow to that point where you can say goodbye to the day job needs some hard work and time spent learning some important skills. This will help your online business, but also help you grow as a Professional.

You will notice the tone I have taken with this post, the only real way of earning money online is by thinking of it as and building it as a business.

Building a business plan around it, having the mindset of it as a business and you will definite grow in an awesome way as a business owner. That is why I advocate to anyone the opportunities of starting a Home Business.

Start a Home Business – A Passion Becomes Your Key to Working from Home

This is the starting point for being able to work from home.  There are a couple of paths:

  • Creating & Selling Your Own Products – Many have started with this path, starting on eBay and building up a home business from there.  My wife traded her 9-5 admin job for this and now creates bespoke Wedding Stationary and ships worldwide.
  • Drop Shipping – Not everyone has their own products or the inclination to create them.  Drop shipping is an alternative where you sell products from a wholesaler. You sell them as your product and when someone buys something, you instruct the wholesaler to ship it direct to the customer.
  • Affiliate Marketing – This is my preferred method.  My wife is arty and very good at what she does, but I use Affiliate Marketing to bolster the earnings from the wedding stationary to allow us to work from home.  Affiliate Marketing is gaining a lot of popularity and it might seem like a difficult path to traverse but is by the far the best option if you are looking to work from home.  I suggest you read my guide on “How Affiliate Marketing Really Works?

I would to just spend a minute pointing out a couple of things for when you are searching for genuine opportunities to work from home.  Anything that tells you “You Can Earn Money Overnight with this System!” or promises you “You Don’t have to Do Anything!” are full of BS.  There are no magic-button systems out there that can allow you to quit your job tomorrow. (Sorry).  It took me 15 years with my (day-job) company to earn the salary I got to, there was no way a platform was going to equal that overnight – But if you are willing to put the time and effort in you can start to see rewards with an online business after 12 months.  Being realistic with our expectations is something I have learned a lot from on our quest to push the wedding stationary business and my affiliate marketing business.

Affiliate Marketing presents anyone the opportunity to work from home building an online business from something we really enjoy or even a passion.  I love helping people find that opportunity, but it could be in anything.  But I would be lying if it was easy (what is) and many stop before they actually start making money.

Some do not believe me when I say that I am earning money through Affiliate Marketing, but I am, and it gives me all of the benefits that are above and more.

With Gemma’s wedding stationary business, I utilise all 3 of the above business models to supplement the income from the wedding stationary.

A Few Watch Outs to Working from Home

I mentioned earlier that whilst there are many benefits to working from home, there are a few things that can make you less productive or even mean you do not get your business off of the ground.

Watch Out #1 – Distractions & Self Motivation

Whether it is your favourite tv show, social media or the washing up, there are a lot more distractions at home then you might think.  It might seem like the dream to stay in your PJ’s all day and having the mentality of “I’ll do it later…”.  You willDistractions - Social Media soon notice that you actually get a lot done at home, but not on your business.  Social Media can be a powerful tool to your business, but you can easily lose 2 hours just surfing Facebook and not having anything to show for it.

My first piece of advice for working from home is… Make yourself an office and organise your time.  I know this might sound like your day job and clocking on”.  But it will help you get into that home office mindset.  Even with my day job I was a home worker, and it can be so easy to sit on the sofa with the tv on, whilst checking emails.  You do not get a lot done.  Trust me, you are better having no distractions.

Watch Out #2 – It Can Be Lonely

When you finally reach that point where you are working from home and not having to get out of the house for work – you soon realise that you miss the social element of your old job.  Don’t be afraid to meet up with a friend for a coffee.  There are times with an online business where you might need to bounce an idea off, but if you aren’t interacting with anyone close this can be hard to do.  I have also found a friend is more likely to give you an honest opinion compared to some of the family.

Watch Out #3 – Managing Our Expectations

I know I have mentioned this before, but it is a really big one that can get us in the way.  If I just talk about Affiliate Marketing for a moment as a business model.  Most people get disillusioned with it after a couple of months as it hasn’t earned them any money.  But in everything I have ever read or done with it, you shouldn’t expect it to.  The main reason is the search engines are not really noticing your website until month 3.  So, they could be giving up just before they start seeing revenue.

eBay is really good for Gem’s wedding stationary, but there are fees.  But the website isn’t getting the traffic it needs to not do eBay.

Wanting to work from home can be such a powerful emotive thing that we jump into decisions that we shouldn’t really make, and it tends to end up costing you more money.

Making money online at home is really doable, but you need to manage those expectations.  I didn’t earn anything in the first 6 months with Affiliate Marketing, but I didn’t give up.  If I had, I wouldn’t be seeing the success that I am now.  It is really pushing forward with Gem’s business and I have a training platform and a great community to thank for those successes.

Getting the Help, You Need to Work from Home

There are watch outs to consider when starting out online, but the benefits definitely outweigh those.  I love being able to spend more time with my family, and I also help people who want to get started online too.

Starting out might seem daunting, but I can offer you help every step of the way and get you to the point where you can give up the day job and say you are a home business owner.

When I first started looking for ways to earn online, the one thing I noticed was the number of programs that were full of false promises. How can a system earn you that kind of money overnight with no work…? The answer was it didn’t, but you needed to hand over your credit card details first to find out.

I’ll admit, I got stung by a scam and got my fingers burnt.  I let my emotional side make the decisions for me and it didn’t work.  But it did lead me to a path that was genuine and offered me all the help and support I needed to start and grow my online business.

That platform offered training, expert help and support and the ability to launch my own online business with Affiliate Marketing.  But it offered so much more, and I have used a lot of the knowledge with Gemma’s wedding stationary business.  So whatever online business you are considering you can get the same help and support + I will personally help you every step of the way.

That training platform is Wealthy Affiliate.  It offers:

  • Training for every aspect of an Online Business
  • Websites & Hosting for your Online Business
  • Expert Help & Support from the Community
  • Online Training Platform where the Owners Get Involved
  • Personal Help & Guidance from Me

I highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate to anyone who is interested in starting their own online business, and truly believe in them.  Here is my full Wealthy Affiliate Review, which I would advise you to read.

If you are really interested in building an online business to help you be able to work from home, then Wealthy Affiliate can definitely help. But I will also be on hand to help anyone in the community.  One of the things you will soon realise is, everyone is there to help each other including the owners.

If you want to take the platform for a spin, you can try their starter membership.  It is totally free and will not require you to enter your credit card details.  Just experience the premium features for 7 days and make your own mind up.

I would love to hear what you guys thought of my 10 best reasons to work from home or even the watch outs.  Are you thinking of starting out and not sure which way to go or have you found your own benefits or concerns when working from home?  I would love to hear from you – just leave me any questions or comments below.  I promise to come back to you ASAP and good luck with your pursuit of working from home.

How Do I Start an Online Business – Get Started Today!

How Do I Start an Online Business – Get Started Today!

Are you looking how to start an online business?  Whether you are looking at opportunities to start an online business or are looking at ways of taking your small business into the online world, this post will help you understand the steps need and also how you can get started with a platform that will help you get started online and scale your business ideas.

What Is Your Goal Online? Which Direction Are You Planning on Taking?

I appreciate your goal will be to earn money online, but there are different ways of achieving it with an online business. I have gone through 3 of the most common business types that are successful online.

Selling Your Own Products

Selling Your Own Products

If you have your own products or have a service to offer, then you already have the groundworks for an online business.  Many people creating their own products, sell them on platforms like eBay or etsy – but having your own website allows you to target multiple markets with your own brand.

Drop Shipping

If you are unsure what drop shipping is, it is where you are the storefront for products from a wholesaler.  You receive an order, you forward that order onto your supplier and they fulfil the order.

There are a few pros to this business model, but there are also a couple of cons.


  • Low Start-up Cost
  • Low Cost of Inventory, as you are not storing the stock
  • Low Order Fulfilment Cost


  • Less Control over fulfilment timescales, may not always be ideal
  • Reliance on another people’s stock, if they run out you run out. Meaning you need to constantly stay up to date with their stock levels
  • Less Profit, the profit margins are really low as you need to remain competitive.
  • Poorer Customer Service.  Anytime your supplier doesn’t deliver as expected, you will have to deal with the fallout from your customers.

Whilst there are many drop shipping opportunities out there, there is a lot of work that goes into it. Much more than any other business style.  My preferred method is Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing

Learn Affiliate Marketing

The reason I prefer Affiliate Marketing is that you can start a business in something you are really interested in, it has a low start-up cost and you can achieve a full-time income with the right strategy.  If you are unsure on what Affiliate Marketing is, I have written a full guide, check it out here.

But in short, Affiliate Marketing is where you promote products and services and receive a commission for introducing a customer to that product or service. It is the model I have been using for a couple of years and is the one that gives many people online the freedom to build an online business.

We all don’t have a day job that is something we really want to do, but an affiliate marketing business allows you to invest in a business that you really want to do.

With the right guidance and training, Affiliate Marketing is a great online business model.

Related Article: Wealthy Affiliate Review (How I Learned Affiliate Marketing).

Whichever route you decide, starting an online business starts with picking your niche.

Find a Niche

If you haven’t got your own product or service, you need to start with picking a niche.  It needs to be based on something you have a real interest in.  The reason I say this is, you will need to fully engage in the niche to build a successful online business that actually turns profitable.

Key steps to building an online business is being able to create content, but if you pick an area that you have no interest in or know nothing about – do you think you will be able to create content in it?

Affiliate Marketing allows you to build an online business in something that you are interested in, so why wouldn’t you take the opportunity.

Now, one of the key things people get wrong is by starting too broad.  To get the best results, you need to target a niche – let’s clarify, a niche is a tiny segment of the market.

If you are interested in gaming, just targeting gaming is way too broad – what you need to consider is getting as narrow as you can, i.e. Xbox One Accessories would be a niche.

Create a Website – WordPress is the Right CMS

Once you have chosen your niche, you will want to create a website – this will be the foundation for your online business.  I recommend WordPress, as it is an awesome Content Management System and is so easy to use and customise.

You will want to create a domain name (website address) that is relevant to your niche.  Learning how to do keyword research will help you a lot in your online business.

Related Post: Keyword Research

You can choose a website name below and see if it is free…

Create Great Content that Helps!

One of the key things of any website is content.  You will get nowhere if you do not create engaging content.  No one logsCreate Content onto a website to learn about something or get help and is happy to see low quality content.

But one of the things many get wrong is they are trying to sell, rather than helping.

People are looking for help when they search online, you are looking for ways to start an online business, people need help.

Helping people converts a lot better than selling. We all hate people who oversell.

Learning how to create helpful content is going to be a great help to your journey on creating an online business.

Use Search Engines to Drive Traffic to your Website

You will need to learn how to create awesome content that is search engine friendly to drive traffic to it.  Some will recommend Pay-per-click marketing, but this is a really expensive method if you get it wrong, it will become a complete waste of money.

You are much better off using the SEO method and ranking naturally. Whilst it might take longer to rank, it is free and with great content it is easier to rank for the right keywords at the top of the search engines.

Become an Authority in your Niche

You will also need to work on your authority in your niche.  Being an authority in your niche is key to becoming a go-to website for people and it becoming a profitable online business.

Building up trust is an important step with this.

To become an authority, is actually easier than you might think, it comes from creating quality content that helps, it is content that gets engagement from people (comments are a good sign of this) and traffic.

The more content you create, the more engagement you will get, and this leads to traffic.  This is the key to getting online sales.

How to Get Started Today!

Affiliate Marketing is an awesome business model and is one that can lead to a very profitable.Join Wealthy Affiliate

But I want to share with you an opportunity that will not only give you an online business but will also provide all the training and support you need to start an online business, with help and support from myself too.

Anyone can start an online business, but that doesn’t mean it will be successful.  There is so much to learn and if you don’t get it right you will not fulfil your goals.

I started an online business a couple of years ago and without the training I recommend, I would not be earning anything from it.

The training is a step-by-step guide that will take you through building a website, creating content that converts, getting social engagement and scaling that business to a point where you are earning a full-time income through it.

Wealthy Affiliate is the platform I have been using, and they offer everything you need to get started with an online business, read my Wealthy Affiliate review for full details.

But without them, I would not be in a position where I am now.

They have training material on all aspects on an online business, they also have a community of Internet Entrepreneurs that you would be joining to bounce ideas off and get expert help and advice from them.

If you are serious about starting an online business but want to check if Wealthy Affiliate is right for you, they have a free starter membership that gives you the chance to experience it with no catch and no credit card required.

I am a Premium Member of Wealthy Affiliate, that is not a secret, but my online business would not be where it is now without Wealthy Affiliate.

Have you got any experience with starting an online business, is there anything else you might add to the list?

Have you got any questions you want to ask or anything you need to know about Wealthy Affiliate or Affiliate Marketing?  Please leave them in the comments below and I promise to come back to you.

Thanks for checking out my post and good luck with your journey towards an online business.

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